Esoteric original works of art for sale

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Painting titled "Infinite energy of…" by Snezhana Denis, Original Artwork, Acrylic
Infinite energy of the universe is in everyone. Art №68 - Painting, 22.1x46.5 in ©2022 by Snezhana Denis - Abstract, abstract-570, Esotericism, red purple black pink, minimalism red painting, arrows inscriptions on a red, picture on a two-part board, picture of healing power, louise hay healing, art of a guide to god, mantra prayer from God, mother earth, voice of the universe, meditation prayer zen, deep red shades of red, feelings love heart, zen healing, Crimson, Orange red, Fuchsia, Deep pink, esoteric healing by painting

Snezhana Denis

"Infinite energy of the universe is in everyone. Art №68"

Acrylic on MDF Board | 22.1x46.5 in

Prints available


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