Corrente (2015) Pittura da Valerio

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Venditore Artmajeur

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Quest'opera d'arte appare in 1 collezioni
The inspiration for the works of the artist Valerio arises from simple elements that dialogue with each other through symbolism and lightness. Parts of forgotten metal structures gain corporeality and contrast with complex shapes like that of a spider's web. In another work, a pair of boots with aged skin contrasts with shoes and an abstract background.[...]
The inspiration for the works of the artist Valerio arises from simple elements that dialogue with each other through symbolism and lightness. Parts of forgotten metal structures gain corporeality and contrast with complex shapes like that of a spider's web. In another work, a pair of boots with aged skin contrasts with shoes and an abstract background. They are marks of life, they could be only in memory, but they gain importance in the hands of Valerio.

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The inspiration for the works of the artist Valerio arises from simple elements that dialogue with each other through symbolism and lightness. Parts of forgotten metal structures gain corporeality and contrast[...]

The inspiration for the works of the artist Valerio arises from simple elements that dialogue with each other through symbolism and lightness. Parts of forgotten metal structures gain corporeality and contrast with complex shapes like that of a spider's web. In another work, a pair of boots with aged skin contrasts with shoes and an abstract background. They are marks of life, they could be only in memory, but they gain importance in the hands of Valerio. She is a colorist with landscape paintings as the focus of that interest. Her works are not portraits of places but scenes that are subjected to abstraction, still recognizable but infused with colors and values beyond the normal. She explores landscape themes, subjecting them to dramatic extremes of light and color combinations that are richly stimulating and at times poetic. Art is not something we have to have, but for many of us we like the feeling of artwork in the home or public spaces. We create a need in the viewer’s mind by making compelling artworks and ideas that go beyond the commercial clichés. Valerior is trying to project emotions, tell stories and represent a scene. If the artist is thrilled then many viewers will feel the same. 

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Acquarello su Carta | 19,7x19,7 in
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Acquarello su Carta | 19,7x19,7 in
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Acquarello su Carta | 19,7x27,6 in
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Acquarello su Carta | 19,7x27,6 in
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