"Orange" (2022) Malerei von Tetiana Teresh

Öl auf Leinwand, 15,8x19,7 in
864,22 $
Preis: Kostenloser Versand
Verkäufer Tetiana Teresh
Versand aus: Tschechien (Schachtel oder Kartonverpackung) Versand unter 3 Tage
14-tägiges Rückgaberecht
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39,14 $
58,60 $
112,67 $
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Verkäufer Tetiana Teresh

Digitale Lizenzierung

Dieses Bild steht zum Download mit einer Lizenz zur Verfügung

35,07 $
140,28 $
350,71 $
Maximale Auflösung: 10000 x 8032 px
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Verkäufer Tetiana Teresh

Vom Künstler signiertes Kunstwerk
Echtheitszertifikat enthalten
Title: "Pears" Materials: oil paints, stretched canvas, art brushes, palette knife Size: 15.7" by 19.7" by 0.8" ( 40 cm x 50 cm x 2 cm). Collection: "Kitchen painting" Artist: Tetiana Teresh. Country: Czech Republic Creation date: 2022 The painting was painted, like[...]
Title: "Pears"
Materials: oil paints, stretched canvas, art brushes, palette knife
Size: 15.7" by 19.7" by 0.8" ( 40 cm x 50 cm x 2 cm).
Collection: "Kitchen painting"
Artist: Tetiana Teresh.
Country: Czech Republic
Creation date: 2022

The painting was painted, like all paintings in this collection after a month of the war in Ukraine. All the paintings are painted on a dark background that reflected my inner state. But the fruits and vegetables themselves are painted in bright colors. Because I really wanted something bright and I believe that everything will change for the better. I believe that the war will end, and people will return to their homeland, rebuild their homes and decorate their kitchens with paintings to create family comfort.

- The painting can be hung without a frame.

-Please note, that the colors shown may vary from monitor to monitor

Verwandte Themen

Orange PaintingFruit PaintingFood PaintingStill Life PaintingKitchen Painting

Automatisch übersetzt
My name is Tetiana. I was born and raised in Ukraine. I have been living in the Czech Republic since 2008. I am a self-taught artist. I started painting after the birth of my son, being in a deep postpartum[...]

My name is Tetiana. I was born and raised in Ukraine. I have been living in the Czech Republic since 2008. I am a self-taught artist. I started painting after the birth of my son, being in a deep postpartum depression. Painting healed me without drugs and doctors. Painting calms me down, gives meaning to my life. I try to paint every day. I try different techniques and materials. I love to explore new things. I do not set myself limits, I just feel and do what I want at the moment. My character and temperament do not allow me to be limited to one thing. My painting has participated in an exhibition in London and several online exhibitions. It was this event that made me think about selling my paintings.

 I am studying online for artists Grigory Kharchenko, Alexandra Chornaya, Tatiana Kedar, and Igor Sakharov. I am constantly learning and I believe that in our time this is a great advantage of online learning.

I draw paintings most often on topics:

Landscape Painting - I was born and raised in a very beautiful place. Perhaps that is why I really love painting landscapes. Nature fills us, gives us strength, and renews us. It is not always possible to be in nature. But, having acquired a painting with a landscape, we can get this effect just by admiring the painting.

Seascape Painting - I'm always happy to paint another seascape. The sea is the element of water. I love to come to the sea and just watch this body of water for hours. My consciousness calms down, there is a complete renewal and reboot. The sea for me is something unknown and inviting. Drawing seascapes, I seem to want to unravel this substance.

Mountain painting - The mountains are my first love. I was born and raised in the Carpathian Mountains in Ukraine. The mountains are my place of power. I miss the mountains and just paint pictures of the mountains.

Flowers Painting - Like many women, I love flowers. It seems to me that any woman can be compared to some kind of flower. Flowers are simply beautiful, therefore, I love to draw flowers.

I paint on different topics. I just want to create at least a little beauty in my life.

My store is new, but I hope you like my paintings. I paint only at will and with great inspiration.


8-9/2023, "POWER OF SELF-REFLECTION", Bilous Gallery, Vienna, Austria

4-5/2023 "Exhibition of works of modern Ukrainian artists", Prague, Czech Republic

3-12/2023 "Power of my Action", HWPL, Prague, Czech Republic

2/2023 "DISCOURSE OF WAR", Artwork Gallery and Magazine, Kyiv, Ukraine

 6/22  "In Ukraine/ Out of Ukraine", APIS Institute, Ljubljana (Slovenia)

6/2021  Mental Health Exhibition, Doncaster Emerging and professional art fair, online

6/2021 "Water", Colors of Humanity Art Gallery, online

6/2021 “NATURE” ART EXHIBITION, Art Room Gallery, online

5/2021 "Landscape", Contemporary Art Gallery, online

5/2021 "Yellow", Colors of Humanity Art Gallery, online

4/2021  "What is art?", Boomergallery, London

Mehr von Tetiana Teresh

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