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Back to list Added Jul 16, 2014

Workshop french artist Tapiezo Studio Roussillon Provence

Atelier - Studio - Roussillon - Provence

A french contemporary painter beyond standards.
Painting, sculpture, an original and soothing work of art.
Un artiste français contemporain et hors norme.
Une imagination dépaysante pour une oeuvre emplie de vie et de sérénité.

Grand Prize of the European Artistic Merit - Bruxelles
Grand Prize of the 'Fondation de France' - Paris
Exhibited by Pierre Cardin - Paris
Exibited Fairmont Hotel in San Jose CA – USA
Selected for the 2010 Universal Exhibition in SHANGHAÏ at the French Pavillon - SHANGHAÏ
Voted Artist of the Year in 2012.

Voir l'atelier en video de l'artiste TAPIEZO :
A workshop and a painter beyond standards
Visit Tapiézo's Studio in Provence:

Technique mixte revisitée XVIIème sur toile, sable, acier, pigment naturel de Roussillon en Provence Old Century technic Mixed media revisited XVII, sand, steel, natural pigment of Roussillon in Provence

"Tapiézo, a master of happy wisdom, He's the new Picasso.
Tapiézo propose une vision heureuse, une peinture enthousiaste.
L'artiste Tapiézo est le nouveau Picasso"
It's in these terms that Jean Lacouture speaks of the artist.
Tapiézo's recognition is unanimous. He's in the courtyard of the great painters.

Cotation Drouot Paris - Akoun - Artprice
News values for the french contemporary artist Tapiézo
Voir dossier cotation agrée Drouot / View folder works values by Drouot

Tapiézo work in the center of Luberon. workshop and permanent Exhibition in Roussillon in Provence.

Informations on http://www.tapiezo.fr
online sales http://www.tapiezo.com


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