Whispering Forest. Summer Landscape Trees (2024) 미술작품 Tamara Rozinskay

캔버스의 기름, 11.8x11.8 in
가격: 무료 배송
고객의 리뷰 (3)
배송지: 벨라루스 (상자 또는 판지 포장) 2일 이내 배송 - 현재 국내 상황으로 인해 추가 지연이 발생할 수 있습니다.
14 일 이내 환불 규정
전세계 배송
100 % 안전 거래
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무료 반품: 14 일 이내 환불 규정.
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종류 중 하나
작가의 사인이 담긴 작품
정품 인증서 포함
나무 들것 프레임에 장착됨
  • 원작 (One Of A Kind) 미술작품, 캔버스의 기름
  • 치수 높이 11.8in, 폭 11.8in
  • 작품의 상태 작품은 완벽한 상태입니다
  • 프레이밍 이 작품은 액자가 없습니다
  • 카테고리 회화 {가격} 이하 고전주의
The forest is bright and pleasant; here the trees, as if in a meditative dance, slowly sway their branches in the wind and seem to whisper. Their quiet voice gives the soul a feeling of satisfaction. It’s as if you are immersed in a pleasant melody, as familiar as the beating of your heart. Calmness and pleasant relaxation come in such a place. [...]
The forest is bright and pleasant; here the trees, as if in a meditative dance, slowly sway their branches in the wind and seem to whisper. Their quiet voice gives the soul a feeling of satisfaction. It’s as if you are immersed in a pleasant melody, as familiar as the beating of your heart. Calmness and pleasant relaxation come in such a place.

관련 테마

TreeSummer LandscapePine TreeStoneNature

자동 번역
Tamara Makhotina (pseudonym Rozinskaya) was born in 1961 in Tbilisi, Georgia. At the age of 12, she moved to Russia. She came to psychotherapy after turning 40, where she counseled and helped women overcome[...]

Tamara Makhotina (pseudonym Rozinskaya) was born in 1961 in Tbilisi, Georgia. At the age of 12, she moved to Russia. She came to psychotherapy after turning 40, where she counseled and helped women overcome depression.

Tamara discovered painting at the age of 54 when a colleague asked her to support a project on right-brain drawing. During this period, she faced health challenges, and using brushes and paints became a way for her to distract herself and recover emotionally. Painting gave her the strength to appreciate the beauty of life and maintain her optimism.

As a practicing psychologist, Tamara understands better than anyone the importance of having a passion for the soul, something that strengthens one's self-belief, faith in goodness, and the power of actions to change the world. In her professional practice, Tamara began incorporating art therapy techniques. With her help, more than 30 people started painting.

Since 2022, Tamara has been living and working in Belarus as a professional artist. The objects of her inspiration and ideas are the beauty of nature: clouds in the sky, trees in the forest, grass and flowers near the house, the scent of fruits in the garden. For Tamara, painting is an opportunity to bring something beautiful into the world, creating joy and conveying love for the world.

Her painting practice has been shaped by the influence of the Russian school of realistic painting, and it has been enriched by her personal experiments with various oil painting techniques.

Tamara Rozinskay에서 더 자세한 내용을 확인하세요.

모든 작품보기
판지의 기름 | 7.9x15.8 in
MDF 보드의 기름 | 6.9x4.9 in
MDF 보드의 기름 | 7.9x7.9 in
MDF 보드의 기름 | 7.1x5.1 in


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