제휴 프로그램

Artmajeur에 동료 예술가와 미술관을 추천하여 돈을 버십시오! Artmajeur에서 멤버십을 구매하는 모든 신규 회원에 대해 US$11.17를 지불합니다.

상세 정보

우리의 사이트에 링크를 설정하기 위해 다음 코드를 사용할 수 있습니다.:



Élements de la marque Artmajeur

How to use Artmajeur brand elements in your marketing documents?

Our brand includes the Artmajeur name, logos, graphics and any words, phrases, images or other designation identifying Artmajeur as the source of a product or service. Please use these items consistently.

The logo "Artmajeur"

When using our logo in combination with other graphic elements, be sure to provide sufficient space. (minimum 15 pixels and free space around the logo of at least 150% the size of the logo)

Download logo files:

The name "Artmajeur"

Download name files:

The color "Artmajeur"
Whatever the support used, you must always use this color.
Do not:
  • Place words around the logo
  • Rotate the logo or change its orientation.
  • Animate the logo.
  • Change logo colors.
  • Add special effects to the logo.
  • Use old versions of the logo, previous logos or any other marks that may cause confusion.
NB: if you would like to make a specific use of our logo, please contact us and provide all details so we can issue a written autorisation.

Artmajeur provides a simple API to build apps based on our platform.

The API provides support for all main features on Artmajeur including listing Artworks, collections, commenting Artworks, adding artworks to collections etc...

If you are interested in getting access to the API to build an application, please contact our tech staff to request your Free API key.

Artmajeur API documentation


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