Machine mold for the production of building pillars series 1 (2019) Design von Aleksandar Milic Stankovic


Verkauft von Aleksandar Milic Stankovic

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32,12 $
128,47 $
267,65 $
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Verkauft von Aleksandar Milic Stankovic

Echtheitszertifikat enthalten
Dieses Kunstwerk erscheint in 1 Sammlungen
  • Original-Kunstwerk Design, Zubehör
  • Masse Höhe 5,8in, Breite 321,7in
  • Kategorien Designs unter 5.000 $ Geometrisch Industrie
The project is a machine mold for the production of building and house pillows used in the construction of multi-story buildings (in this case, five-storey buildings). The product is created in standard two colors combination red-gray. Soon the project will be further upgraded for the needs of clients from the Philippines.
The project is a machine mold for the production of building and house pillows used in the construction of multi-story buildings (in this case, five-storey buildings).

The product is created in standard two colors combination red-gray.

Soon the project will be further upgraded for the needs of clients from the Philippines.

It will appear almost on a new official website presentation of "StAl Project" company!

Copyright © 2019 "StAl Project" company. All rights reserved.

Few types of selling, as real machine product, as artwork and as licenced photo artwork. For all infos be free to contact me. This applies to all other products on this site!

Verwandte Themen

Building ProductsTechnologyDesign & DevelopmentConstructionHouse Making Products

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Mehr von Aleksandar Milic Stankovic

Alle Kunstwerke sehen
Design | 15x157,6 in
Design | 15x83,1 in
Design | 75,6x102,3 in
Digitale Kunst


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