BMoCA 11: Nataraja (2001) 미술작품 Sherri Silverman

종이의 파스텔, 5x5 in
가격: 무료 배송
배송지: 미국 (상자 또는 판지 포장) 2일 이내 배송
14 일 이내 환불 규정
전세계 배송
100 % 안전 거래
무료 반품
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무료 반품: 14 일 이내 환불 규정.
반품 접수 14 일 Artmajeur는 수집가의 만족을 위해 100% 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 14일 이내에 원본 작품을 반환해야 합니다. 작품은 원래 포장 상태로 완벽한 상태로 아티스트에게 반환되어야 합니다. 모든 적격 품목은 반품할 수 있습니다(달리 명시되지 않는 한).
종류 중 하나
작가의 사인이 담긴 작품
정품 인증서 포함
Lord of the Dance, the cosmic dance of life. Upward-pointing triangles represent the Masculine Divine. Nataraja is Shiva as Lord of the Dance, who dances Creation in and out of being. I enjoy the element of movement and dance that materializes in many of these pastel paintings. This visually pairs well with BMoCA 15: Emergence. [...]
Lord of the Dance, the cosmic dance of life. Upward-pointing triangles represent the Masculine Divine. Nataraja is Shiva as Lord of the Dance, who dances Creation in and out of being. I enjoy the element of movement and dance that materializes in many of these pastel paintings.

This visually pairs well with BMoCA 15: Emergence.

관련 테마


자동 번역
Decades of meditation practice form the ground for my artwork, which mostly includes pastel paintings, gouache and watercolor, mineral pigment and sumi ink, collage, and photography. Archival prints are also[...]

Decades of meditation practice form the ground for my artwork, which mostly includes pastel paintings, gouache and watercolor, mineral pigment and sumi ink, collage, and photography. Archival prints are also available of both paintings and photography.

Although I enjoyed making art as a child and actively pursued it, it was not encouraged by my family, who pushed me to be "straight academic." In fact, I had a series of paintings in the back of my bedroom closet when I was four that upset my mom because she wanted the house to look clean and presentable when we were selling it to move. I began meditating in 1972, returned to writing poetry in 1975, and painting again in 1977. 

I am mostly self-trained as an artist and have just explored as I wished, developing my own style and images from within. I began because I wanted to. I took a few courses at the Cambridge (MA) Center for Adult Education in 1977. In 2015 I won a scholarship for a course in Nihonga, Japanese mineral pigment painting. My main training remains academic: I have a doctorate in Creativity, Art, and the Sacred & Application of Asian Concepts. 

I’ve always had my studio in my home, although I’ve also created at Artist in Residence programs, such as at the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art (BMoCA), and while traveling. 

My art studio was in Santa Fe, New Mexico for thirty years. Now it is in my cottage in Lagunitas, California, where I see bay laurel and redwood trees, deer and quail outside my windows, in beautiful Marin County near San Francisco. Both quiet places allow for hikes on trails outside my door when taking breaks from the studio, gathering further inspiration and connection with nature. 

My art has been included in four museum group shows and is in private, public, and corporate collections across North America. I've shown in solo and group shows in art galleries in Colorado, New Mexico, Iowa, California, and Florida. My artistic goals include creating work that expands and enlivens consciousness, that nourishes the soul, that heals and evokes happiness and wholeness in the world. I want to make a lasting contribution by delving into the mystery of creating something from nothing. 

There are lots more details of my art bio, my artist statement, photos of the studio, art images and series, news, and my artist resume on my artist website. 

Sherri Silverman에서 더 자세한 내용을 확인하세요.

모든 작품보기
종이의 파스텔 | 6x6.3 in
종이의 파스텔 | 5x5 in
종이의 파스텔 | 5.5x6.5 in
종이의 파스텔 | 5x5 in


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