Horse III (2024) 그림 Sbboursot

종이의 숯, 11.7x8.3 in
가격: 무료 배송
판매자 Sbboursot
고객의 리뷰 (4)
배송지: 프랑스 (봉투) 2일 이내 배송
14 일 이내 환불 규정
전세계 배송
100 % 안전 거래
무료 반품
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무료 반품: 14 일 이내 환불 규정.
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디지털 라이선스

이 이미지는 라이선스로 다운로드할 수 있습니다.

최대 해상도: 2052 x 2959 px
구매 즉시 다운로드
아티스트는 판매할 때마다 로열티를 받습니다

판매자 Sbboursot

종류 중 하나
작가의 사인이 담긴 작품
정품 인증서 포함
  • 원작 (One Of A Kind) 그림, 종이의
  • 치수 높이 11.7in, 폭 8.3in
  • 프레이밍 이 작품은 액자가 없습니다
  • 카테고리 드로잉 {가격} 이하 조형 미술
Charcoal drawing on 125g soft white paper of a horse's head. Expressive portrait in an impressionist style. Sprayed with fixative. Sent flat in a reinforced envelope. 이 작품에 대한: 분류, 기법 & 스타일
Charcoal drawing on 125g soft white paper of a horse's head. Expressive portrait in an impressionist style.

Sprayed with fixative. Sent flat in a reinforced envelope.

관련 테마

Horse PortraitEquineHorse Drawing

자동 번역
SBBoursot is a multidisciplinary artist based in the wine area of Burgundy, France. Her work has been collected across Europe and the US Her move to Burgundy allowed her to have a studio and devote her[...]

SBBoursot is a multidisciplinary artist based in the wine area of Burgundy, France. Her work has been collected across Europe and the US

Her move to Burgundy allowed her to have a studio and devote her time to art. She has exhibited in juried exhibitions in Paris and London, won the Prix Fusain at Art-Sciences-Lettres in May 2022 and in late 2023 was in the final 10 of the VAA Professional Artist Award, then one of the final 5 who won "Highly Commended Exhibitor" prize.

As subjects she is attracted to people and animals, and the situations they find themselves in. She portrays them in an impressionist style, pushing towards abstraction, blurring the usual edges, sometimes leaving the viewer to complete the picture.  

Her sculptures are on the theme of aging, being a mix of abstract painting, sculpting and expressionism that are developed intuitively.

She currently enjoys working with charcoal, enjoying its qualities that can be manipulated almost in the same way as paint, and can convey meaning or emotion with a few gestures.  She uses charcoal on both paper and canvas, allowing each support to influence the effects created.

She has attended various online art courses and evening classes at fine art schools over the years, and continues to increase her skills, but there is a strong self-taught element, especially through experimentation which she still enjoys.  All with the aim to continually push her art to a new level.

Full past exhibition list can be seen at her website.

Sbboursot에서 더 자세한 내용을 확인하세요.

모든 작품보기
조형물 - 수지 | 6.7x4.9 in
리넨 캔버스의 아크릴 | 13.8x10.6 in
종이의 아크릴 | 25.6x19.7 in
종이의 숯 | 8.3x5.8 in


예술 애호가 및 수집가를 위한 뉴스레터 수신