RIKXECOM Color Swirl (2023) Malerei von Rikxecom

Acryl auf Leinwand, 10x10 in
2.402 $
Preis: Kostenloser Versand
Verkäufer Rikxecom
Kundenrezensionen (3)
Versand aus: Vereinigte Staaten (Schachtel oder Kartonverpackung) Versand unter 2 Wochen
14-tägiges Rückgaberecht
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100% sichere Transaktion
Kostenlose Rücksendungen
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  • Künstlerwert-Zertifizierung Experten untersuchen das Werk und den Werdegang eines Künstlers und ermitteln dann einen unabhängigen und zuverlässigen Durchschnittspreis. Der durchschnittliche Preiswert ordnet den Künstler in einer Preisspanne für einen bestimmten Zeitraum ein. Die Sachverständigen können auch gebeten werden, einen genaueren Schätzwert für ein bestimmtes Werk zu ermitteln.
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Kostenlose Rücksendungen: 14-tägiges Rückgaberecht.
Rückgabe akzeptiert 14 Tage Artmajeur setzt sich zu 100% für die Zufriedenheit der Sammler ein. Sie haben 14 Tage Zeit, um ein Originalwerk zurückzugeben. Das Werk muss in einwandfreiem Zustand in der Originalverpackung an den Künstler zurückgesandt werden. Alle berechtigten Artikel können zurückgegeben werden (sofern nicht anders angegeben).
Vom Künstler signiertes Kunstwerk
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Bereit zum Aufhängen
My artistic pursuits, I was also a youth chess champion by the age of 10. Despite being diagnosed with Marfan’s Syndrome in my pre-teens and having many surgeries, this did not stop me from pursuing my passions. The fusion of naturalist and abstract art in my creative process reflects my unique approach to artistry. My ability to seamlessly[...]
My artistic pursuits, I was also a youth chess champion by the age of 10. Despite being diagnosed with Marfan’s Syndrome in my pre-teens and having many surgeries, this did not stop me from pursuing my passions.

The fusion of naturalist and abstract art in my creative process reflects my unique approach to artistry. My ability to seamlessly blend these two disciplines and use them as a form of cerebral escapism is a testament to my creativity and artistic journey. It is evident that my art serves as a means of meditation and a path to a state of creative energy that is both transcendent and fulfilling.

My concept of an art~zone nirvana where time seems to disappear is a testament to the deep connection I have with my work. It is an immersive and transformative experience that I share with my audience, inviting them to join me on this artistic voyage of discovery.

My art not only presents visual beauty but also carries a profound message of mindfulness, appreciation, and the importance of finding solace and inspiration in the world around us. It is the power of art to transcend timer and offer a meditative space for both the artist and the observer.

Committed to the creative process and my dedication to sharing visual pleasures through exhibitions and galleries around the world. The future of my artistic journey is open-ended and full of possibilities, allowing me to continue offering my unique perspective and creative output to a global audience.

As an artist, my work has the power to connect with people on a deep, emotional level and to inspire them through the visual language I've developed over the years. Pushing the boundaries of art and a desire to reach diverse audiences across the globe and leave a lasting impact.

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Automatisch übersetzt
RIKXECOM the ultra~contemporary abstract artist strives to create meaningful pieces of art that spark joy, imagination and exploration. My artwork is a reflection of my spiritual journey, and I draw inspiration[...]

RIKXECOM the ultra~contemporary abstract artist strives to create meaningful pieces of art that spark joy, imagination and exploration. My artwork is a reflection of my spiritual journey, and I draw inspiration from the beauty of nature and the power of the human spirit. I strongly believe that the arts process, feeds my escape and I strive to create pieces that will speak to the hearts of my viewers.

As a multi-disciplinary North American born artist based in Palm Beach, Florida. From a young age, I was inspired by my mother to explore the world of art and expression. In addition to my artistic pursuits, I was also a youth chess champion by the age of 10. Despite being diagnosed with Marfan’s Syndrome in my pre-teens and having many surgeries, this did not stop me from pursuing my passions.

The artwork suggests a captivating and complex piece designed to engage viewers with its artistic intricacy and visual richness. The combination of abstract and multi-dimensional elements, as well as the use of rich and elegant components to create a visually stunning and emotionally evocative work of art. Such piece's prompt viewers to delve deeper into their artistic interpretation and appreciate the depth of creativity and meaning behind the artwork. Art with these characteristics offer a unique and thought-provoking experience for those who engage with it.

My utilization of diverse set of tools and software to bring my artistic visions to life. These tools and stages help me achieve the desired results, whether it's creating digital paintings, enhancing photographs, or producing multimedia content that incorporates elements of still frame paused film and digital media.

Mehr von Rikxecom

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