Passion of Sky on Ice (2021) Malerei von Olga Neberos

Öl auf Leinwand, 23,6x43,3 in
10.674,16 $
Preis: Kostenloser Versand
Verkäufer Olga Neberos
Versand aus: Russland (Holzkiste) Versand unter 2 Tage - Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation im Land kann es zu zusätzlichen Verzögerungen kommen
14-tägiges Rückgaberecht
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99,70 $
118,99 $
172,59 $
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Verkäufer Olga Neberos

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160,80 $
278,72 $
375,20 $
Maximale Auflösung: 4306 x 2313 px
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Verkäufer Olga Neberos

Vom Künstler signiertes Kunstwerk
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Dieses Kunstwerk ist gerahmt
Dieses Kunstwerk erscheint in 1 Sammlungen
  • Original-Kunstwerk (One Of A Kind) Malerei, Öl / Lack auf Leinwand
  • Masse 24,4x44,1 in
    Abmessungen des Werks allein, ohne Rahmung: Höhe 23,6in, Breite 43,3in
  • Zustand des Kunstwerks Das Kunstwerk ist in einwandfreiem Zustand
  • Rahmen Dieses Kunstwerk ist gerahmt
  • Kategorien Gemälde unter 20.000 $ Figurative Landschaft
"Passion of Sky on Ice" Oil on canvas, varnish, 60 x 110 cm, October 2021 Bright, eloquent, mesmerizing sky immediately captures our attention, awakening the acuity of perception. And all this beauty is reflected on the surface of the ice, taking you along. Looking at the surface of the ice includes associations with[...]
"Passion of Sky on Ice"
Oil on canvas, varnish, 60 x 110 cm, October 2021

Bright, eloquent, mesmerizing sky immediately captures our attention, awakening the acuity of perception. And all this beauty is reflected on the surface of the ice, taking you along. Looking at the surface of the ice includes associations with a mirror. We become aware of ourselves every day, looking at ourselves in the mirror.

Thus, the contemplation of ice encourages the viewer to look into the depths of himself. That is why the picture attracts attention to the ice and the gaze sinks even into the thickness of the ice. This is the moment of real mystery, awareness of oneself and the reflection of the Universe - all this happens in one plane on the surface of the ice!

Peach red sets the tone for awakening, a variety of yellow and orange, activates vital energy. The deep green background incorporates the energy of love. And all shades of deep blue, brigth blue, enhance awareness of oneself, awakening the world of inner sensations, feelings, connection with the universe. The dark lilac color greatly enhances the level of thinking. In rooms with this color, new knowledge is much easier to assimilate, insights occur more often.

As a psychologist and expert in scientific Psychodiagnostics and color therapy, with over 25 years of experience, I give an interpretation of the color scheme that sounds in the picture.
Let the power of inspiration flow into your home!
Enjoy the colourful beauty in your own cozy atmosphere.

Painting for the interior. The author is the original artist Olga Neberos.

Sunrise, print on canvas, abstract, modern, inspiration , painting, interior, oil painting, sky, sun, clouds, ice

Verwandte Themen


Automatisch übersetzt
Olga Neberos. I am an artist and psychologist. I studied academic painting at the  Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov as additional education. Resident of the International Association of Artists[...]

Olga Neberos. I am an artist and psychologist.

I studied academic painting at the  Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov as additional education.

Resident of the International Association of Artists ASM-GLUB, Germany.

Psychologist, student of Professor A. Anuashvili, international specialist "Video-computer psychodiagnostics and psychocorrection" "Scientific foundations of psychology".

More than 25 years of successful practice using the methods of objective psychology.

I am the author of a scientific research film (shooting 2021-2024)

"The role of artists of world culture on the formation of personality."

 Experience and knowledge in the field of psychology, understanding the true nature of humans and their delusions, combined with a love of painting, opened up new ways for me to express myself.

My style of Abstraction was not chosen by logic, it comes from nature. Any Vision is first an Abstraction, and then it is followed by Detailing and Comprehension...

The author expresses what he himself is. The unique knowledge of human psychology, expressed through images in my paintings, awakens natural vital energy, promotes the development of multidimensional thinking, restores the resource state and connection with intuition.

The basis of my innovative approach is the synthesis of scientific psychology and painting. The source of my inspiration is the desire to convey important and intimate concepts through pictures, to show the relationship and unity of man with nature. The image is the language of the subconscious. Painting for me is self-expression and a way that encourages the viewer to think, to ask themselves questions about the main thing.

The viewer is a co–author, I only set the vector of attention to your own perception and reflections…


 The painting "INFINITY" was presented at the international exhibition of Business Aviation Jet Expo 2017.

The painting "INFINITY" was presented at the international exhibition in Moscow "I am a Woman. I am the center of the world!” in the gallery LABARATORY OF OPPORTUNITIES. March 2023

The painting "The Passion of Sky on Ice" was presented at the international exhibition MIRACLES OF CHRISTMAS in Budapest. December 2022

The «Identity» painting was presented at an exhibition at the Darwin Museum as part of the EARTH project. revival. From May 6 to June 4, 2023

Diploma of participation in the exhibition at the Darwin Museum in the EARTH project. reborn. 2023



Mehr von Olga Neberos

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8.223,76 $
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4.033,7 $


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