The Triumph of Athena (2024) 조형물 Nathan Goodman

조형물 - 금속, 17.5x12 in
가격: 무료 배송
배송지: 미국 (상자 또는 판지 포장) 2일 이내 배송
14 일 이내 환불 규정
전세계 배송
100 % 안전 거래
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최대 해상도: 1536 x 2048 px
구매 즉시 다운로드
아티스트는 판매할 때마다 로열티를 받습니다

판매자 Nathan Goodman

종류 중 하나
정품 인증서 포함
이 작품은 1 컬렉션에 나타납니다.
  • 원작 (One Of A Kind) 조형물, 금속의 금속
  • 치수 높이 17.5in, 폭 12in / 9.00 lb
  • 작품의 상태 작품은 완벽한 상태입니다
  • 야외에 적합? 아니오, 이 작품은 야외에 전시할 수 없습니다
  • 카테고리 조각품 {가격} 이하 조형 미술 여성 누드
Athena is the Greek goddess of wisdom, courage, and warfare. Athena emerges here as a testament to the alchemy of creation, molten steel and beauty. Her form, half-wrought from sinuous remnants of once discarded bicycle chain, stands poised as if holding a sword overhead, declaring victory over evil. These once-utilitarian metal links, now coiled and[...]
Athena is the Greek goddess of wisdom, courage, and warfare. Athena emerges here as a testament to the alchemy of creation, molten steel and beauty. Her form, half-wrought from sinuous remnants of once discarded bicycle chain, stands poised as if holding a sword overhead, declaring victory over evil. These once-utilitarian metal links, now coiled and twisted, embrace her like a second skin—a fusion of metal and imagined flesh.

As daylight filters through her figure, it paints delicate patterns upon that which she sits. These intentional small voids reveal glimpses of the unseen, inviting us to peer beyond outer beauty, into the true self within. Shadows elongate and shift with the passing hours, casting a soft luminescence—the very essence of vulnerability and resilience. Here grace dances with valor, and memory intertwines with imagination.

The complete absence of pattern intersects Athena’s torso like the dancing of honey bees flitting over the hive, each etching a memory in metal. This absence of pattern is not a mere adornment; it is an echo of our own experiences woven into Athena's heart and soul. It reminds us of journeys taken and paths left behind. 

Athena stands incomplete, her lower half dissolving into the unseen. Is she emerging from the earth or fading back into it? Perhaps she embodies the transient nature of existence—the perpetual journey of metamorphosis we all travel within our lifetimes. If you imagine what she would look like in full, her gaze would be unyielding and contemplative, fixed upon the horizon. She invites us to ponder the interplay of light and shadow, memory and absence. In her incompleteness, she whispers, “Life is a work in progress, and beauty resides in the gaps.”

The Triumph of Athena beckons us to embrace imperfection, celebrate the spaces between what is and what could be, and find solace in the unfinished story of our life.

(The Triumph of Athena is built to either sit on a table or hang on a prominent wall. The process to create her is labor intensive and time consuming. It requires the bicycle chain be separated into its many individual links so they can be used in the formation of a much more lifelike form. Each bicycle chain link is then hand welded to the next forming one solid structure.  Although she is currently set up to either hang or stand, if you prefer to hang her on the wall please let me know. That way I can bend back the metal legs (hidden in the back) that normally prop her on a surface.  The metal is sealed with an acrylic lacquer to aid in the protection from rust.)

관련 테마


자동 번역
In the heart of Atlanta, Georgia, a city known for its vibrant arts scene and rich cultural history, resides an artist of multiple disciplines. Goodman works in both the written word and the tangible medium.[...]

In the heart of Atlanta, Georgia, a city known for its vibrant arts scene and rich cultural history, resides an artist of multiple disciplines. Goodman works in both the written word and the tangible medium. He is a welder of steel, a worker of clay, and the author of thirteen acclaimed novels. His name is known to many, but his work speaks for itself, transcending the boundaries of traditional art forms and challenging the conventions of creativity. 

His studio, nestled in a bustling neighborhood, is a testament to his diverse skills and interests. Here, amidst the hum of machinery and the scent of molten metal, he welds steel with the imagination of a dreamer. His creations, often large-scale sculptures, are intricate labyrinths of metal that twist and turn, casting mesmerizing shadows and reflecting the world in their polished surfaces. Each piece is a story in itself, a narrative expressed not in words, but in the language of lines, shapes, textures, and steel.

Adjacent to his welding station, he works with clay, molding it into forms that conjure emotions buried within us all. His clay works, much like his steel sculptures, bear the unmistakable mark of a unique style. They are robust yet elegant, their surfaces adorned with smoothness that hint at the beauty of the human form and the artist’s deep respect for the natural world.

Beyond his visual art, he is also a prolific writer, having authored thirteen acclaimed novels. His books, much like his metal sculptures and clay works, are richly detailed and deeply symbolic. They explore themes of transformation and renewal, mirroring his own artistic process of turning raw materials into something new and beautiful. These themes however are the harbinger of the artist's inner pain and hidden demons. A survivor of depression, Goodman pulls his knowledge of true darkness and then splashes it into metal, clay, or canvas.

His home city of Atlanta plays a significant role in his work. The city’s dynamic energy, its blend of old and new, echoes in his art and writing. He draws inspiration from the city’s architecture, its people, and its ever-changing landscape. Yet, his work is not just a reflection of the city, but also a commentary on it, a dialogue with it.

Perhaps what sets this artist apart is his passion for the environment. This passion permeates all aspects of his work, from the materials he chooses to the themes he explores in his novels. He often works with recycled or reclaimed materials, turning what was once discarded into something beautiful and valuable. This transformation is not just physical, but also symbolic, representing the potential for change and renewal.

His work challenges us to see the world differently, to see the potential in the old and discarded, and to appreciate the beauty in transformation and change. His art is not just a product of his skills and imagination, but also a reflection of his values and his vision for a more sustainable and fulfilling world.

Nathan Goodman에서 더 자세한 내용을 확인하세요.

모든 작품보기
조형물 - 점토 | 17.5x12 in
조형물 - 금속 | 26x16 in
조형물 - 금속 | 54x11 in
조형물 - 금속 | 58x17 in


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