Embroidery painting The Ocean. black and white ship, eye (2020) Sztuka tkaniny autorstwa Ludmila Korets

Sztuka tkaniny na Inne podłoże, 7,5x8,3 in
325,94 USD
Cena: Darmowa dostawa
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Darmowe zwroty: Zadowolony lub zwrotowi w terminie 14 dni.
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34,31 USD
53,62 USD
107,23 USD
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Sprzedane przez KRsArtGallery

Pojedyncza praca
Grafika sygnowana przez artystę
Zawiera certyfikat autentyczności
Gotowe do zawieszenia
Ta praca jest oprawiona w ramę
Zamontowany na Karton
Ta grafika pojawia się w 1 kolekcjach
  • Oryginalna praca (One Of A Kind) Sztuka tkaniny, Haft na Inne podłoże
  • Wymiary 12x12,8 in
    Wymiary samej pracy, bez ramy: Wysokość 7,5in, Szerokość 8,3in
  • Stan grafiki Grafika jest w idealnym stanie!
  • Oprawianie w ramy Ta praca jest oprawiona w ramę
  • Kategorie Sztuka tekstylna poniżej 500 USD Symbolizm Geometryczny
The Ocean painting. According to the artist, "Fine art is the ability to create an image, not to depict something." Before us is an image of the ocean: we look through a giant eye at a ship that sails with full sail, placed in a compass with geometric coordinates symbols. A similar philosophical and poetic nature of creativity was found in[...]
The Ocean painting. According to the artist, "Fine art is the ability to create an image, not to depict something." Before us is an image of the ocean: we look through a giant eye at a ship that sails with full sail, placed in a compass with geometric coordinates symbols. A similar philosophical and poetic nature of creativity was found in Rene Magritte, who referred to his work as "magical realism". In the painting "False Mirror", the artist depicted a close-up of the eye. Its iris is depicted by the author as a bright blue sky with white clouds floating across it - a symbol of wisdom and spirituality, and its endless journey along the heavenly dome is the path of spiritual perfection and personal growth. We look into this giant eye, which displays what the person in front of him sees right now, at this very second. This is what he enjoys. This is what draws an image in his head when he looks at something or someone.
In the painting by Lyudmila Korets, through a giant eye, we look at the ship pupil, as a symbol of wonderful hopes, pure dreams, and love. The ship is framed by an iris compass with coordinates as symbols of personal success. These are the landmarks of a person in his successful voyage in life. Black and white performance only enhances the effect of the image and gives a clear desire to move towards new horizons and victories. Air, space, and movement - the three tasks that the artist sets for himself are clearly visible in this artistic composition. We look at the ocean with wide-open radiant eyes, mentally following the ship to our dreams, feeling the sea breeze and the sound of the waves.
Curator Ksenia Redina

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Artysta reprezentowany przez KRsArtGallery
The artist has a higher art education, many years of experience in teaching painting, winner of many competitions. Lyudmila's artistic miniatures are in private collections in Russia, the USA, France,[...]

The artist has a higher art education, many years of experience in teaching painting, winner of many competitions. Lyudmila's artistic miniatures are in private collections in Russia, the USA, France, Holland, and Australia. Artworks are made in the technique of art-stroke hemstitch, invented by the author in the late 1990s. Embroidery here is a way of conveying an idea, as well as a means of creating perspective and a color spectrum. The perception of the image becomes more voluminous if compared with the painting.

The three main tasks for constructing a pictorial composition of an embroidered picture for me are: space, movement and air. The combination of elements of the constructivist trend in art with a picturesque rendering of air space helps me convey a sense of the inner emotional movement of thoughts and feelings. Geometric forms do not give a direct reference to the comparison with recognizable states of nature, but allow us to understand and convey the inner feeling through color combinations. The movement of simple geometric shapes in the air space, created by the picturesque combination of threads, can be associated with natural or emotional states.

Zobacz więcej od Ludmila Korets

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