Strawberries (2018) Painting by Natalie Levkovska

Not For Sale

Seller Natalie Levkovska

  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Oil on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 39.4in, Width 39.4in
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Figurative
“Strawberries”, oil on canvas, 100x100 cm (40x40’) 2018, Cycle “Funny side of Me” I have a special relationship with strawberries. One summer, our pioneer camp was taken to help the local collective farm with the harvest. At the same time, our leader said that we could not take anything from field home, but we could eat as much as we wish. At[...]
“Strawberries”, oil on canvas, 100x100 cm (40x40’) 2018, Cycle “Funny side of Me”
I have a special relationship with strawberries. One summer, our pioneer camp was taken to help the local collective farm with the harvest. At the same time, our leader said that we could not take anything from field home, but we could eat as much as we wish. At first, we ate any berry we liked, after a while we began to choose the most beautiful, even later - only the most beautiful and by the end of the day I realized that I would not want strawberries any time soon. Indeed, many years later, I still look at strawberries with indifference. But this is not the whole picture of my relationship with this everyone loved fruit.
As a student, I was interested in the symbolism of medieval art: strawberries, like a sweet and quickly spoiling fruit, for a long time symbolized bodily sinful love. At some point in my life, reality began to offer me, literally and figuratively, “strawberries” and a picture appeared on this topic where I drew myself, with surprise watching a strawberry rain falling from the sky.
RU –
К клубнике у меня особое отношение. Одним летом наш пионерский лагерь повезли помогать местному колхозу со сбором урожая. При этом вожатая сказала, что с собой мы взять ничего не можем, но кушать можем сколько душе угодно. Вначале мы ели любую приглянувшуюся ягоду, через какое-то время стали выбирать самые красивые, еще позже – только самые-самые красивые и к концу дня я поняла, что клубники я захочу не скоро. Так и есть, спустя много лет я по-прежнему с равнодушием смотрю на клубнику. Но это еще не вся картина моих взаимоотношений с этим, всеми любимым, фруктом.
В студенчестве я интересовалась символикой средневекового искусства: клубника, как сладкий и быстро портящийся плод, долгое время символизировала телесную греховную любовь. В какой-то момент жизни мне стали предлагать в прямом и переносном смысле «клубнику» и на эту тему появилась картина, где я нарисовала себя, с удивлением наблюдающую как с неба падает клубничный дождь.

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Automatically translated
Natalie Levkovska is an experienced Lithuanian painter and illustrator. In 1995, she obtained a degree in stone, bone and wood processing from a master artist (Abramtsevo College of Applied Arts),[...]

Natalie Levkovska is an experienced Lithuanian painter and illustrator. In 1995, she obtained a degree in stone, bone and wood processing from a master artist (Abramtsevo College of Applied Arts), and in 1999 she completed a degree in costume design (Vilnius Academy of Arts). She then became a costume designer for the cinema industry, and later a fur designer. In 2006, she decided to change her life: she moved to London to work in a design studio, and started to experiment oil painting.

She creates simple and poetic artworks, mixing surrealism and naive art. Her artistic universe is a kind of magic realism: she likes to show real life objects and try to bring out the magical pulsation of space. The plots of her creations are taken from her life: a birch glade near her house at different times of the year, the portrait of a loved one, her village in the snow... 

Natalie Levkovska have organized 19 personal exhibitions, participated in a lot of paintings and drawings events, and her drawings can be found in many private collections.

The Artist was highlighted in an article in Artmajeur Magazine:

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