Hallowed be, Series: Our Father (2022) Pintura por José Gislero

Acrílico en Lienzo, 48x36,6 in
6.700,77 US$
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Esta obra aparece en las colecciones 2
  • Obra de arte original (One Of A Kind) Pintura, Acrílico en Lienzo
  • Dimensiones Altura 48in, Anchura 36,6in
  • Estado de la obra de arte La obra de arte está en perfectas condiciones
  • Enmarcado Esta obra de arte no está enmarcada.
  • Categorías Pinturas menos de 20.000 US$ Expresionismo
'Santificada seas' (Hallowed be) is the 2nd artwork within the series 'Our Father' The complete series consists of the following images / groups of images: 1 - Tú, que estás (You, which art) 2 - Santificada seas (Hallowed be) 3 - Venga a nosotros (Come) 4 - Hágase tu voluntad (Thy will be done)
'Santificada seas' (Hallowed be) is the 2nd artwork within the series 'Our Father'

The complete series consists of the following images / groups of images:
1 - Tú, que estás (You, which art)
2 - Santificada seas (Hallowed be)
3 - Venga a nosotros (Come)
4 - Hágase tu voluntad (Thy will be done)
5 - Entre tierra cielo (Between earth and heaven)
6 - Danos hoy (Give us)
7 - Perdonan (Forgive us)
8 - Perdonemos (We Forgive)
9 - Dejenos caer (Lead us)
10 - Pero Libreanos (But deliver us)
11 - Amén (Amen)

This series had the working title 'Tú' since it refers to the relationship between us and ourselves, between us and the others, between us and the beyond.

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José Gislero is a Swiss painter who focuses on sensual, spiritual art. He lives and works between two islands: Switzerland, the island in the middle of the European Union and Cuba the communist island in the[...]

José Gislero is a Swiss painter who focuses on sensual, spiritual art. He lives and works between two islands: Switzerland, the island in the middle of the European Union and Cuba the communist island in the Caribbean Sea.

José is convinced of the power of art to unite and harmonize the opposites of our world. Both are interdependent, both are firmly connected and interact.

He paints to create peace and balance.

His series of paintings are often like short stories or painted prayers. His style oscillates between figurative and expressionistic. His works blend both the material and spiritual world. 

Although he has a degree in engineering and marketing, he has always been fascinated by art. His many long stays abroad awakened his special commitment and interest in third world issues. Peoples and cultures marginalized by 'civilization' and on the brink of extinction.

Born 1960 in Switzerland, where he has been brought up.

1985: BSc in Eng. / Cybernetics.

1986 – 1995: Engineering jobs mainly in Europe, Saudi Arabia, China, South-Africa and Peru.

1996: MBA, Changed over to Marketing.

1996 – 2008: Marketing jobs in Europe, Middle-East, Asia Pacific and the US.

2008: Decided to terminate his corporate life and moved to Havana (Cuba).

2008 – 2010: Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes "San Alejandro", Havana (Cuba).

2010 – 2016: Working partly as artist, partly as artist craftsman, mainly on restoration of houses from the colonial period in Havana.

2017 onward: Working and living as an artist between Switzerland and Cuba.

José Gislero owns a studio gallery in Havana, where some of his paintings are exhibited.

Ver más de José Gislero

Ver todas las obras
Acrílico en Lienzo | 37,8x61 in
6.515,77 US$
Acrílico en Lienzo | 27,6x23,6 in
1.839,76 US$
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3.681,79 US$
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4.168,69 US$


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