Can you see a glass half empty or half full (2022) 그림 José Antonio Castro-Muñiz

종이의 연필, 27.6x39.4 in
가격: 무료 배송
배송지: 스페인 (튜브) 2일 이내 배송
14 일 이내 환불 규정
전세계 배송
100 % 안전 거래
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디지털 라이선스

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최대 해상도: 5386 x 3714 px
구매 즉시 다운로드
아티스트는 판매할 때마다 로열티를 받습니다

판매자 José Antonio Castro-Muñiz

종류 중 하나
작가의 사인이 담긴 작품
정품 인증서 포함
이 작품은 3 컬렉션에 나타납니다.
Some people either by themselves or in a couple have a trend of mind to see things in a negative manner. The question is: can you see the glass half empty or half full? The answer to this question is a paradox. For some people life is a twisting towel always needed to squish in a problematic way. For others life is full of things to enjoy.[...]
Some people either by themselves or in a couple have a trend of mind to see things in a negative manner. The question is: can you see the glass half empty or half full? The answer to this question is a paradox. For some people life is a twisting towel always
needed to squish in a problematic way. For others life is full of things to enjoy. what kind are you?

관련 테마

Half Empty Or Half Full

자동 번역
José Antonio Castro Muñiz (Kako Castro-Muñiz) Full Professor.  Since 1995. Fine Arts Faculty of Pontevedra. Vigo University DX_5 Director and Creator since 1997. Digital and Graphic[...]

José Antonio Castro Muñiz (Kako Castro-Muñiz)

Full Professor.  Since 1995. Fine Arts Faculty of Pontevedra. Vigo University

DX_5 Director and Creator since 1997. Digital and Graphic Art Research.

MFA of Fine Arts. Kala Arts Institute Berkeley. 

Doctorate Degree in Fine Arts University of Vigo. Extraordinary Award for Doctorate Degree. Vigo University

Graduate Degree in Fine Arts San Fernando. Complutense University of Madrid.


Graphic Art Research in different institutions and countries:

Masereel Centrum. Anwerp; Macintosh College. Edimborough; Manhattan Graphics Centre of New York; Crown Point Press. San Francisco. CA; Epson Centre. Tokyo and Kyoto. Nagano. Japan. Among many others.

Founder and Director of the DX_5 Digital&Graphic Art Research Vigo University. Developing different Researching Lines about the concept and practice of multiple Art, printing and electronic digital images. Photopolymers, laser etching, applied to the Engraving and Art Printing field. Former Lines where: Multiple art, complexity aesthetics and sustainable Art Printing.

Researching works have been supported and financed by different organizations and Public Institutions. National Ministry of Education of Spain, Galician Government, EPSON Japan, Vigo University.

Summarizing a few projects description:

‘Photovoltaic techniques applied to engraving and drawing on metal plates’. ‘Digital engraving with Laser etching’. ‘Piezo-digital jet printing water-base on Art paper’. ‘Non- toxic printmaking’. ‘Renewable energies for Art Printing’.


Editor and writer for Art magazines and different Art book editorials. Participating on the writing of different books developing some theoretical and practical parameters on Contemporary Multiple Art and new paradigms on Contemporary Art Graphic.

Some publications:

-‘Intangible Patterns. Invisible maps for electronic graphics’

-‘Piezo-jet: The injected print’

-‘Anode-cathode. The chemical memory carved by electrons’

-‘A ding in Japan’

-On minded prints. On prints minded’

-‘From the in-print to the numeric Art’.

-‘Multiple. Complexity and sustainability’


Teaching on post-graduate courses and seminars, lectures on practice and theory about Contemporary Graphic Art, Universities in Spain and International Universities:


José Antonio Castro-Muñiz에서 더 자세한 내용을 확인하세요.

모든 작품보기
사진 | 51.2x78.7 in
종이의 숯 | 37.8x48.8 in
종이의 숯 | 35.4x35.4 in
캔버스의 아크릴 | 39.4x39.4 in


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