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Jim Fischer

Back to list Added May 19, 2021

What's on the Easel, March 2021

What’s On The Easel

March 2021, Vol. III, No. 3

A monthly newsletter from Jim Fischer


Let’s get  right to it…



Trying to keep up with my goal of one portrait a month, there are two canvases on the easel (it’s a twofer, while I wait for a friend in Florida, Nicole, to send some photos for her portrait); yours truly is on the left and bro Rick on the right, waiting until one day I just walk in the studio and go at it.


What’s old is new…


The mantel clock, called The Rousseau Clock , that had been sitting around for 40 years, is coming along nicely.



It’s not the first time I have visited this theme. This mural was painted in the mid-80s in my house in Wantagh (which I was ‘permitted’ to paint after buying off my then wife, Elyse, with a fur coat). There is another small clock with this theme done in the late 70s that a friend, Stephanie, possesses.



And, finally, there is the large version, painted for my apartment in Brooklyn in the early 2000s which is now hanging in Steph’s office.



Good themes don’t die, they just get recycled. And, yes, Alan, there is a Fluck in it.



Another project is taking shape …


My interpretation of The Last Supper by DiVinci is developing. I printed out a copy and, as you can see, am putting notes on it exploring how it will be put together (in the true spirit of inspiration, most of these ‘ideas’ came to me in the wee hours of the morning, waiting until it was time to get up, that is, waiting for the sun to rise),



We are vaccinated..



Of course, being an artist and having a laminating machine available, I made little ‘V’ badges to clip onto a collar or shirt pocket, to let the world know we’re good (if you would like one just drop me a note and I’ll mail it to you).


About that ship model…


Not much to show but that’s not to say not much has been done. As I said last month, now it’s on to the long, tedious job of masts, spars and rigging, not much to show for now.


And, finally, another cartoon for your amusement


I don’t know about you, but Steph and I doodle on the kitchen calendar, here’s the entry for March 11th:



That’s all for now. Be well, be safe. And what’s on your easel?




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