Roses (2012) Malerei von Ingrid Dohm

Öl, 30x24 in
1.900 $
Preis: Kostenloser Versand
Verkäufer Ingrid Dohm
Kundenrezensionen (62)
Versand aus: Vereinigte Staaten | Versand unter 1 Woche
14-tägiges Rückgaberecht
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Digitale Lizenzierung

Dieses Bild steht zum Download mit einer Lizenz zur Verfügung

32,00 $
129,00 $
268,00 $
Maximale Auflösung: 3171 x 3988 px
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Verkäufer Ingrid Dohm

Echtheitszertifikat enthalten
  • Original-Kunstwerk Malerei, Öl
  • Masse Höhe 30in, Breite 24in
  • Kategorien Gemälde unter 5.000 $ Figurative
This is an original floral still life painting. Über dieses Kunstwerk: Einstufung, Techniken & Stile Öl Farbe aus Pigmenten die mit Leinöl oder Nelkenöl[...]
This is an original floral still life painting.

Verwandte Themen

FlowersFloralStill LifeRosesImpressionism

Automatisch übersetzt
Individual Artist Award, Rockford Area Arts Council, Mayor’s Arts Award, Rockford, IL, 2007 YWCA Blanche Ellis Starr Award for Leadership in the Arts, Rockford, IL 2006 Reflecting Achievement[...]

Individual Artist Award, Rockford Area Arts Council, Mayor’s Arts Award, Rockford, IL, 2007

YWCA Blanche Ellis Starr Award for Leadership in the Arts, Rockford, IL 2006

Reflecting Achievement Award, Rockford Area Arts Council, Rockford, IL, 2004

Featured in The Artist's Magazine, September, 2000.

Artist for the years 2001, 2002 and 2005 Easter Seals Campaigns.

Finalist in the National Museum for Women in the Arts,
Washington, D.C., Illinois Chapter Millenium 2000 Show.

EDUCATION: Rockford College, Rockford, IL


Born and raised in and a citizen of Austria, Ingrid is
married with three children. She divides her career between the U. S. and
Austria exhibiting her works and conducting painting workshops.

The raison d’etre for my floral and landscape paintings can be traced directly to the influences that surrounded my early childhood. Born and raised in a small town in Austria near forests, glens and mountains, I was constantly seeking out the many varied kinds of floral beauty which is ever present in this land. During the summer months, in a high mountain lake enclosure, my siblings and I would make daylong forays into the forested areas solely to see what kinds of flowers we could encounter. A difficult find, but a most sought after one, was the edelweiss. This was so because one had to climb up the side of a mountain to see them growing as an outcropping in the rocks. This would become the trophy of the day! Another favored sight was the Christrose, commonly called the Schneerose or snow rose, because it could be seen popping up out of the snow cover on the ground.

In school I was always fascinated with any instrument be it pen, pencil or crayon, that could make anything from a strait line to a complicated image. I really never understood at the time why I had this strong attraction for art supplies, never could make the connection between it and my love of nature.

It wasn’t until I came to the United States and married that the association was made. A casual remark by my husband, that I had a natural talent and propensity to draw and paint, made me realize that I ought to get going. A starter paint kit was purchased and that’s the beginning of the story.


Nicholas Conservatory, Rockford, IL 2019

Freeport Art Museum, Freeport., IL 2016

Die Wirtschaftskammer-Galerie, Vienna, Austria, 2002
Zurich-American, Schaumburg, IL, 2001
Arlington Green Executive Center, Arlington Heights, IL 2001

Zurich Insurance Company, Zurich, Switzerland, 2000
Northern Trust O'Hare, Chicago, IL 2000
Palette & Chisel Academy of Fine Art, Chicago, IL, 2000
NICOR Corporate Gallery, Naperville, IL, 2000
Schloss Kammer, Attersee, Upper Austria, Austria, 1996, 1999

University of Illinois at Chicago School of Medicine, 1999
'Das Ronacher', Bad Kleinkirchheim, Austria, 1997
Stadtische Galerie, Linz, Austria 1995
Kaiservilla, Bad Ischl, Austria, 1994

Kortman Gallery 2022

Freeport Arts Center, Freeport, IL 2000, 2003
Unilever Corporate Gallery, Rolling Mea...

Mehr von Ingrid Dohm

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