Giuliano Cavallo Profile Picture

Giuliano Cavallo

Back to list Added Mar 14, 2002

Teaching the homeless to get involve

Giuliano Cavallo created and decorated for numerous fundraisers such Heart Foundation
Epileptic Services
Animal Welfare
JM Family Enterprises
Film Festival
Daily Bread Food Bank
Pine Crest School
George Snow Foundation
Villa Maria Nursing Home
Pyramid Society
Boca JCC
North Miami JCC

Starting Over Inc

Starting Over Inc is a Florida_based, not-for-profit 501-C3 corporation founded by Susan Bain. Starting Over Inc. Uses a unique approach to helping the citizens of Florida. Based on a philosophy of “each one – reach one- teach one,” Stating Over Inc. Has provided to over 350 individuals a new start in life. Working one on one with individuals from various hopeless situations, Snow White, (Susan bain) as she affectionately called by the many she has helped, reaches out and touches the citizens in a holistic approach by providing not only a place to live but also job skills training and meaningful work. Unlike other programs, Starting Over Inc. goes beyond the standard immediate assistance of food, clothing,and shelter by introducing or reintroducing creativity and creative thoughts into an individuals transitional lifestyle.

This is done in direct association with larger than life theme (decor and scenic design) company which produces the essence of lifestyle through the design, fabrication and installation of settings of various cultures and themes. The very essences of creating o theme totally involves the persons working on the project in a way that they no longer see themselves as helpless and in a hopeless situation. As formely Citizens participate in the creation of themes for parties, movies and television sets. They are better able to express themselves and create for themselves alternative visions of their own lifestyles. Also, by developing the hidden, creative, god-given talents that all individuals possess, the process used by Starting Over Inc helps the former citizen to create in their minds not only a possible theme of their lives, but also marketable skills that provide them with an income. Also, build a camaraderie that helps them once they leave the program to better reintegrate back into maistream society. Now that they have regained their sense of dignity and self worth.


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