Why has the number of artworks I can add to my account to has been limited?

We accept artworks with both a commercial value and artistic interest

We accept artworks that possess both commercial value and artistic merit. You may present an unlimited number of artworks on your Artmajeur account; however, these artworks must comply with our terms of sale and adhere to the principle of "fair use." We only accept genuine original and unique artworks that hold both commercial and artistic interest.

What Type of Artworks May Be Limited?

Artworks that do not meet our minimum standards for both commercial and artistic value may be subject to limitations. These artworks are not excluded but will be restricted rather than allowed unlimited exposure. This category includes (but is not limited to):

  • Digital artworks
  • Digital photography
  • AI-generated images
  • Physical artworks that we believe will not find an audience on our platform

What Happens If My Uploads Are Limited, and What Should I Do?

If your uploads have been limited, you will not be able to upload any more images if the total number of images you present exceeds 1,000. To add new artworks, you must first remove existing ones from your account.

For additional details, you can browse our terms of use.

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