extreme-respiro-di-vita.jpeg (2018) Painting by Stefania Colizzi

Not For Sale

Seller Stefania Colizzi

  • Original Artwork Painting, Acrylic on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 19.7in, Width 19.7in
  • Categories Conceptual Art
Poche sono le certezze di quest'epoca che ci trascina con se' in un vortice frenetico . Siamo frastornati, spesso, incerti sul da farsi....la città, gli stimoli continui , le incognite, i sogni, la realtà, tutto e l'esatto opposto di tutto fluttua intorno a noi, come una barca di carta che galleggia nei vortici o una tempesta (evento[...]
Poche sono le certezze di quest'epoca che ci trascina con se' in un vortice frenetico . Siamo frastornati, spesso, incerti sul da farsi....la città, gli stimoli continui , le incognite, i sogni, la realtà, tutto e l'esatto opposto di tutto fluttua intorno a noi, come una barca di carta che galleggia nei vortici o una tempesta (evento improvviso) che mina la linearità di un percorso....Vestiti di abiti, idee, desideri, in un tempo fisico creato dall'uomo che limita il suo stesso tempo, sentendosi al di sopra di tutto ed alterando gli equilibri, ad un certo punto, malgrado il peso e la fatica del vivere quotidiano, nudi, nella nostra umana condizione, saliamo le nostre scale interiori, con tenacia ed amore e rispetto per il prezioso dono della vita. Il nostro essere diventa un'antenna nell'infinito in grado di captare il tutto ed armoniosamente coesistere con esso, malgrado le note dissonanti.

Few are the certainties of this age that drags us with a frantic vortex. We are often stunned, uncertain about what to do .... the city, the continuous stimuli, the unknowns, the dreams, the reality, everything and the exact opposite of everything floats around us, like a paper boat floating in whirlpools or a storm (sudden event) that undermines the linearity of a path .... Dressed in clothes, ideas, desires, in a physical time created by man that limits his own time, feeling above all and altering the balance, at a certain point, despite the weight and fatigue of everyday life, naked, in our human condition, we climb our inner stairs, with tenacity and love and respect for the precious gift of life. Our being becomes a probe in the infinite able to capture the whole and harmoniously coexist with it, despite the dissonant notes.
Automatically translated
Expert in medieval pictorial techniques, lover of the restoration of ancient books and canvases, I have always followed with research and personal studies all that concerns the research and the use of forms[...]

Expert in medieval pictorial techniques, lover of the restoration of ancient books and canvases, I have always followed with research and personal studies all that concerns the research and the use of forms and materials.
My artistic experience is the result of a search for the "true and real" in its visual expression that ranges from surreal figurative to symbolic abstract. Not by chance, in many works I have deliberately exasperated the use of symbolisms to "saturate the acquisition of the image and to push attention to the color rather than to the drawing up of the work that becomes a" guiding "task to the perception of the content .
The contamination of symbols and colors, excessive and, of impact, invites reflection, together with the title of the work which, most of the times is a nice provocation that suggests the thematic trace of the elaboration and reading of the work same.

Artist with international auction

Present in public and private collections

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Installation | 31.5x1.6 in
Not For Sale
Oil | 23.6x0.8 in
Not For Sale
Oil | 0.8x39.4 in
Not For Sale
Other on Wood | 13.8x11.8 in
Not For Sale


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