The Golden Age: fashion5.jpg (2012) Drawing by Matteo Gabellini (Magnus Golden)

  • Original Artwork Drawing, Pencil on Paper
  • Dimensions Dimensions are available on request
“Artista – Pittore – Stilista“ Dal 2002 ho iniziato ad esprimere la mia arte. In primis nasce il ciclo pittorico “Vertigini” e successivamente si evolve in “The Golden Age” che racchiude tutto il mio stile. Solo di recente anche la sezione “Fotografia e Filosofia”. Leggi in basso per maggiori dettagli. Seguimi e resta connesso.
“Artista – Pittore – Stilista“

Dal 2002 ho iniziato ad esprimere la mia arte. In primis nasce il ciclo pittorico “Vertigini” e successivamente si evolve in “The Golden Age” che racchiude tutto il mio stile. Solo di recente anche la sezione “Fotografia e Filosofia”. Leggi in basso per maggiori dettagli. Seguimi e resta connesso.

“Creative Artist – Painter – Fashion Designer“

Since 2002 I started to express my art. First of all, the “Vertigini” pictorial cycle is born and then it evolves into “The Golden Age” which contains all my style. Only recently the “Photography and Philosophy” section. Read below for more details. Follow me and stay connected.
The Golden Age

Ciclo pittorico “Vertigini”

Acrilico, tecnica mista. Trasposizione estemporanea di emozioni e concetti.

Ciclo pittorico “Vertigini” realizzato dall’artista “Magnus Golden”. Inizio ciclo pittorico anno 2002. Comune a tutte le opere è l’identità emozionale che si diffonde nel percorso artistico in una unica avvolgente atmosfera. Ogni composizione porta in sé l’espressione di una propria vivace anima capace di trasmigrare dall’immagine allo spettatore.

L’opera che ha catturato l’attenzione invita a riflettere sullo stato emotivo dell’artista ma induce lo spettatore all’interpretazione personale, un invito alla propensione dell’immaginazione. Turbamento, eccitazione, fermento, incitazione, coinvolgimento, provocazione. Libera opportunità di interpretare intimamente lo status emotivo di ogni esecuzione all’interno di un poliedrico componimento. Ogni “Vertigine” è un frammento creativo, un concentrato suggestivo che fa di ogni opera un capolavoro: ogni composizione è frutto esplicito, intimo ed emotivo dell’artista di cui lo spettatore affascinato dall’immagine, può singolarmente trarne proprio beneficio.

The Golden Age

"Vertigini" pictorial cycle

Acrylic, mixed technique. Extreme emotional transference and concepts.

"Vertigini" pictorial cycle realized by the artist "Magnus Golden". The 2002 pictorial cycle begins. Common to all works is the emotional identity that spreads in the artistic pathway into a unique, enveloping atmosphere. Each composition brings in itself the expression of one's own lively soul capable of transmitting from the image to the spectator.

The work that captured the attention invites to reflect on the emotional state of the artist but induces the spectator to personal interpretation, an invitation to the propensity of the imagination. Turmoil, excitement, ferment, incitement, involvement, provocation. Freedom to interpret intimately the emotional status of each performance within a polyhedric composition. Each "Vertigine" is a creative fragment, a suggestive focus that makes each work a masterpiece: each composition is the explicit, intimate and emotional fruit of the artist whose viewer fascinated by the image can singly benefit from it.

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Magnus Golden "Creative Artist - Painter - Fashion Designer" Since 2002 I started to express my art. First of all, the "Vertigini" pictorial cycle is born and then it evolves into[...]

Magnus Golden

"Creative Artist - Painter - Fashion Designer"

Since 2002 I started to express my art. First of all, the "Vertigini" pictorial cycle is born and then it evolves into "The Golden Age" which contains all my style. Only recently the "Photography and Philosophy" section. Read below for more details. Follow me and stay connected.

The Golden Age
"Vertigini" pictorial cycle

Acrylic, mixed technique. Extreme emotional transference and concepts.
"Vertigini" pictorial cycle realized by the artist "Magnus Golden". The 2002 pictorial cycle begins. Common to all works is the emotional identity that spreads in the artistic pathway into a unique, enveloping atmosphere. Each composition brings in itself the expression of one's own lively soul capable of transmitting from the image to the spectator.
The work that captured the attention invites to reflect on the emotional state of the artist but induces the spectator to personal interpretation, an invitation to the propensity of the imagination. Turmoil, excitement, ferment, incitement, involvement, provocation. Freedom to interpret intimately the emotional status of each performance within a polyhedric composition. Each "Vertigine" is a creative fragment, a suggestive focus that makes each work a masterpiece: each composition is the explicit, intimate and emotional fruit of the artist whose viewer fascinated by the image can singly benefit from it.

See more from Matteo Gabellini (Magnus Golden)

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Photography | Several sizes
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Photography | Several sizes
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Photography | Several sizes
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