Couteau de cérémonie péruvien (Tumis) (2007) Sculpture by S Eymond Laritaz

Seller S Eymond Laritaz

Certificate of Authenticity included
  • Original Artwork Sculpture,
  • Dimensions Height 11in, Width 4.7in
  • Fit for outdoor? No, This artwork can not be displayed outdoor
patine aspect bronze effectué à partir d'un modèle en bronze. Prêt à être accroché LES COUTEAUX DE CEREMONIES (Objets rituels du PEROU ) Les tombes de la royauté Sican, retrouvées dans la vallée de la rivière Leche à proximité de l'extrême côte Nord du Pérou, livreront le trésor le plus impressionnant[...]
patine aspect bronze effectué à partir d'un modèle en bronze.
Prêt à être accroché

(Objets rituels du PEROU )

Les tombes de la royauté Sican, retrouvées dans la vallée de la rivière Leche à proximité de l'extrême côte Nord du Pérou, livreront le trésor le plus impressionnant jamais mis à jour en Amérique du Sud. L'une d'entre elle ne contiendra pas moins de deux cents objets précieux, parmi lesquels des des couteaux de cérémonie. L'iconographie des ces objets se limite à la représentation d'un personnage, mettant ainsi en valeur l'importance de celui-ci.

Les couteaux de cérémonie (tumis) de Sican présentent les formes les plus caractéristiques des objets de l'ancien Pérou. Supportant une lame semi-circulaire, leur manche est orné d'un personnage coiffé d'un large accessoire. Les traits du visage, qui précisent la forme en amande des yeux, seraient ceux du Seigneur de Sican. L'opulence des vêtements confirmerait cette hypothèse. Il pourrait s'agir de Naymlap, le fondateur mythique de la dynastie.

Les couteaux de cérémonie de Sican, sont de dimension trop importante et trop finement ciselés pour avoir servi d'instruments ou d'armes. Ils devaient simplement être exposés lors des cérémonies publiques,
et symboliser les attributs du rang et du pouvoir.
Automatically translated
S Eymond Laritaz is a versatile artist who discovered her passion for artistic creation after the birth of her twins in 1999. Before that time, she had never used a pencil or a brush. However, with more time[...]

S Eymond Laritaz is a versatile artist who discovered her passion for artistic creation after the birth of her twins in 1999. Before that time, she had never used a pencil or a brush. However, with more time available during her parental leave, she began to explore various art forms.

Her artistic journey began with painting furniture, but quickly expanded her horizons to include portraiture, watercolor, and miscellaneous object painting. She even dared to paint the walls of her house, despite the concerns of those around her.

However, these classic media were not enough to satisfy his thirst for creativity. S Eymond Laritaz began collecting a variety of materials including driftwood, burlap, wire, glass and slate, each with their own history and origin. She was convinced that these materials would find their use in her future artistic creations.

What characterizes his work is his ability to divert the traditional use of these materials to create unique and original works of art. She works in various spaces in her home and even outdoors to bring her artistic ideas to life.

More recently, she set up a studio where she can fully devote herself to her art without dispersing herself. S Eymond Laritaz continues to explore new forms of artistic expression, pushing the limits of his creativity through sculpture, photography and many other mediums.

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$12.24 Shipping Not Included
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