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Exclusive Collection Curated by Olimpia Gaia Martinelli | 108 artworks Download as PDF

Discover our selection of artworks to buy on Artmajeur. Gifting works of art can be a challenge. Not only do you have to know the person's preferences, but you also need to pick the right[...]

Discover our selection of artworks to buy on Artmajeur.

Gifting works of art can be a challenge. Not only do you have to know the person's preferences, but you also need to pick the right type of work. There are so many different forms of art, mediums, and movements to choose from. However, there are a few basic guidelines you can use to make the process easier.

First, consider the recipient's space. If the recipient has a small space, it may not be appropriate to gift them with a large work. For this reason, it is a good idea to purchase a smaller work of art. This way, the recipient is given more flexibility to display it in a more suitable place.

Many artists have given their art for free. Pablo Picasso, for example, was known for giving art to friends and strangers. The first modern artist to gift art was Marcel Duchamp, who in 1917 donated his Fountain to an art exhibition under the pseudonym "R. Mutt." Although he did not intend to make any money from the Fountain, Duchamp donated it anyway. Another important aspect of art gifts is knowing their value. 

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Collections are created by Artmajeur members, art lovers and special guests from all over the world. This collection is curated by Olimpia Gaia Martinelli . Collect all your favorite works of art and browse them conveniently any time you like from the comfort of your own collections!

Updated Jan 30, 2023 8 comments
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