Stefan Dhein Profilbild

Stefan Dhein

Leipzig, Deutschland
Künstler (Malerei, Zeichnungen)
Geboren in 1960
Die Malerei muss heute etwas anderes sein als die Photographie. Sie muss das Wesen der Dinge oder ihre Bedeutung für uns erläutern.

I was born in Western Gemany in the vicinity of Cologne in 1960. With about 5 years I started to paint. When I was 15 I got oil colors and made my first paintings in this technique.  

After school I studied medicine in Aachen and Cologne. Thereafter I specialized in pharmacology, clinical pharmacology and toxicology and started my career in science at the University of Cologne. With 38 years I became Professor at the University of Cologne. After stays in Graz and London, I moved to Eastern Germany to the University of Halle, and 2001 to the Leipzig University. In 2015 I became head of the public health administration at Altenburg, Thuringia, and work as a physician.

Besides these medical and scientific activities, I always kept on painting in various techniques, mostly watercolor, oil and pastel. May current interest is the interplay of light and shadow, in pariticular I am fascinated by the gothic windows of cathedrals. Moreover, I am focused on nature, animals and birds, and the ecologicals problems produced by mankind. Another topic is religion, and the aspects of human living. Painters who fascinated me were Rembrandt, Caravaggio, Vermeer, Marc, Dali, and Van Gogh. Among watercolor artists I like Homer Winslow, Whistler, and Paul Dmoch. 

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