Works No.63:Secluded Life (2019) Malerei von Lianxiang Jiang Jiang Lian Xiang

Pigmente auf Papier, 39,4x20,5 in
6.913 $
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Dieses Kunstwerk erscheint in 4 Sammlungen
size:100cmX 52cm Painter:Lianxiang Jiang Lianxiang Jiang is now the sixth director of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Association, deputy director of the General Smile Cultural and Art Exchange Center of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Association, a member of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Artists Association,[...]
size:100cmX 52cm

Painter:Lianxiang Jiang

Lianxiang Jiang is now the sixth director of the Chinese Calligraphy and
Painting Association, deputy director of the General Smile Cultural and Art Exchange Center of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Association, a member of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Artists Association, and a member of the Xilingol League Artists Association.

His landscape paintings have a novel idea, and the layout of the painting is open and balanced, and he strives to create a novel layout no matter the scene is distant, deep or high.

On the basis of his tradition, he pays more attention to the method of
creation. He draws the source of creation from the army's training life and nature, and perfects the performance techniques. His sparing and free strokes, fluent and heavy, and the expression of mood and imagery fully embody the idea of using things for oneself and using things to write one's mind.

He is also adept at handling the changes of color and ink in his paintings, using both dull and wet shades. Through the permeation of ink and water and the fusion of color and ink, he expresses the dense atmosphere and profound state of mountains and rivers. The famous painter Li Xiaoke commented that his paintings are profound and magnificent.
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Lianxiang Jiang is now the sixth director of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Association, deputy director of the General Smile Cultural and Art Exchange Center of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting[...]

Lianxiang Jiang is now the sixth director of the Chinese Calligraphy and
Painting Association, deputy director of the General Smile Cultural and Art Exchange Center of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Association, a member of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Artists Association, and a member of the Xilingol League Artists Association.

His landscape paintings have a novel idea, and the layout of the painting is open and balanced, and he strives to create a novel layout no matter the scene is distant, deep or high.

On the basis of his tradition, he pays more attention to the method of
creation. He draws the source of creation from the army's training life and nature, and perfects the performance techniques. His sparing and free strokes, fluent and heavy, and the expression of mood and imagery fully embody the idea of using things for oneself and using things to write one's mind.

He is also adept at handling the changes of color and ink in his paintings, using both dull and wet shades. Through the permeation of ink and water and the fusion of color and ink, he expresses the dense atmosphere and profound state of mountains and rivers. The famous painter Li Xiaoke commented that his paintings are profound and magnificent.

Mehr von Lianxiang Jiang Jiang Lian Xiang

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