Ram on the Rocks (2021) Collagen von Debra Rogers

Collagen auf Papier, 15x8 in
331 $
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Verkäufer Debra Rogers
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14-tägiges Rückgaberecht
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Rückgabe akzeptiert 14 Tage Artmajeur setzt sich zu 100% für die Zufriedenheit der Sammler ein. Sie haben 14 Tage Zeit, um ein Originalwerk zurückzugeben. Das Werk muss in einwandfreiem Zustand in der Originalverpackung an den Künstler zurückgesandt werden. Alle berechtigten Artikel können zurückgegeben werden (sofern nicht anders angegeben).
Vom Künstler signiertes Kunstwerk
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Dieses Kunstwerk erscheint in 3 Sammlungen
These collages honor animals in our environments. Recognizing them as citizens of our world; the importance of how they introduce wonder to our world. Listen to the sounds they may be making, remember the communications between them when we walk into their territory. These collaged beings remind us of the wonder of story, what is happening in the[...]
These collages honor animals in our environments. Recognizing them as citizens of our world; the importance of how they introduce wonder to our world. Listen to the sounds they may be making, remember the communications between them when we walk into their territory. These collaged beings remind us of the wonder of story, what is happening in the moment, the scene in which they are seen, and what their next movement may be. That is up to our imaginations, and our imaginations feed on wonder.
Surfaces are sealed with an acrylic medium to achieve cohesiveness, allowing brush strokes to give a light texture. They may not measure as perfectly rectangular or square but will fit well within the window of a mat board. Delivered tacked to foam core board with acid-free rolled tape on the back side. Then enveloped in protective archival polypropylene. Each is signed on the front bottom.

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An animal was involved in my art epiphany, my realization that things could be captured on a surface, as a four year old.  Animals have been a source of insight ever since.  They lend an honesty to my work[...]

An animal was involved in my art epiphany, my realization that things could be captured on a surface, as a four year old.  Animals have been a source of insight ever since.  They lend an honesty to my work and feature in much of my art.

I was granted my BA in sculpture from Rhode Island School of Design. I have worked as an artist for most of my life, painting murals and faux finishes on walls and furniture, even the sides of ferry boats. I participated in group art showings over the years.  I have created ceramic tiles, some washed slips and some bas relief.  I won 1% For the Arts commissions in New Mexico for tile murals in various public places. I found Art Therapy and became a Psychotherapist, earning my Masters Degree in Albuquerque, at the University of New Mexico.  My materials became expressive of what I was working out emotionally.  And I found collage through my school work.  

Sculpturally I create objects, assemblages; also story-like.  I trust my imagination.  The materials, how they are joined and the way they fit together, are as important as what the images convey.

The collection of collages shown here are story fragments. They tell of a fantasy world of animals and nature, mysterious and a little strange.  Their shapes are not perfect squares or rectangles, many edges are torn, ragged.  Everything needs to be worked a little.  So their surfaces are rough and a bit worn for wear: from their history, from many tellings or recitations of the stories.  You witness the characters caught in mid-moment.

Each collage surface is cohesively sealed with an acrylic medium, allowing brush strokes to give texture. Most do not measure as perfectly rectangle but will fit well within a window of mat board.  They are delivered tacked to foam core board with acid-free rolled tape on the back side.  Then they are enveloped in protective archival polypropylene.  Shipping is done in cardboard box materials.  Each is titled, signed and dated.

Mehr von Debra Rogers

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