Grey Nude (2005) Dibujo por Barbara Craig

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Vendedor Barbara Craig

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Certificado de autenticidad incluido
Esta obra aparece en las colecciones 1
  • Obra de arte original Dibujo, Pastel en Papel
  • Dimensiones Altura 20,1in, Anchura 25,2in
  • Categorías Dibujos menos de 500 US$
Soft pastel on grey paper, the piece will be supplied rolled in tube for you to mount and frame to your own requirements. Acerca de esta obra de arte: Clasificación, Técnicas & Estilos Pastel [...]
Soft pastel on grey paper, the piece will be supplied rolled in tube for you to mount and frame to your own requirements.

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As the year draws to a close I'm either doing my spring cleaning very late or very early? I have deleted some work and added other pieces. My work has been moving away from landscapes during the past couple[...]

As the year draws to a close I'm either doing my spring cleaning very late or very early? I have deleted some work and added other pieces. My work has been moving away from landscapes during the past couple of years, even though I try to discipline myself to keep my portfolio coherent it just isn't going to happen! I enjoy painting a variety of subjects in a variety of ways, but I do feel I have a recognisable style in the application of media which is intuitive and joyous (when a painting is going well).
My later work is memory based expressive or abstract, this is surprisingly a very, very difficult genre to paint.
I no longer ‘work’ as an artist (I came to despise the ridiculous business of the art world) and now sketch for pleasure, to commission and prints of my locality are available. 

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Pintura | 15x18,9 in
No está en venta
No está en venta
Acrílico en Cartulina | 11x11 in
No está en venta
Pintura | 15,4x11 in
No está en venta


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