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Barbara Craig

St.Pons De Thomieres, France
Artist (Painting, Drawing)
Born 1958
Am I an artist? I am not a painter. What am I.

As the year draws to a close I'm either doing my spring cleaning very late or very early? I have deleted some work and added other pieces. My work has been moving away from landscapes during the past couple of years, even though I try to discipline myself to keep my portfolio coherent it just isn't going to happen! I enjoy painting a variety of subjects in a variety of ways, but I do feel I have a recognisable style in the application of media which is intuitive and joyous (when a painting is going well).
My later work is memory based expressive or abstract, this is surprisingly a very, very difficult genre to paint.
I no longer ‘work’ as an artist (I came to despise the ridiculous business of the art world) and now sketch for pleasure, to commission and prints of my locality are available. 

Discover contemporary artworks by Barbara Craig, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary french artists. Artistic domains: Painting, Drawing. Account type: Artist , member since 2006 (Country of origin United Kingdom). Buy Barbara Craig's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Barbara Craig. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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