Christmas (2007) Dibujo por Yulia Luchkina

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Vendedor Yulia Luchkina

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33,52 US$
Usage: Licencia web
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  463 px  

650 px
Dimensiones del archivo (px) 463x650
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Banco de imágenes de arte
Certificado de autenticidad incluido
Esta obra aparece en las colecciones 2
  • Obra de arte original Dibujo, Otro
  • Dimensiones Altura 11in, Anchura 8,3in
  • Categorías Dibujos menos de 5.000 US$
Christmas Mixed media on paper 21х28сm Acerca de esta obra de arte: Clasificación, Técnicas & Estilos Otro Otro[...]
Mixed media on paper

Temas relacionados

ChristmasContemporary ArtArt

Traducido automáticamente
Graduated from the Academy of marketing and social-informational technologies. Graduated from the Kuban State University, Fine Art Department. The member of the Union of Artists[...]

Graduated from the Academy of marketing and social-informational technologies.
Graduated from the Kuban State University, Fine Art Department.
The member of the Union of Artists of Russia.
The member of the International Federation of Artist of Russia (IFA UNESCO).
The art works are placed in:
F.A. Kovalenko Art Museum of Krasnodar, in the Museum of Angels (St.-Petersburg), in the Museum of World sepulchral Culture (Novosibirsk).

Participation in exhibitions
1999 — Regional professional contest in the field of fine arts «Biennale-4» (Special award in the nomination «Graphic arts») Krasnodar;

2000 — Regional exhibition «In your name» Krasnodar;

2001 — All-Russian exhibition of young artists «The youth of Russia» Moscow, Central House of Artist;

2003 — Zonal exhibition «Peace to the Caucasus», Krasnodar;

2003 — «Biennale-6» (First prize in the nomination «Graphic arts»);

2005 — International exhibition confined to the 60th anniversary of the 2nd World War , Moscow, Central House of Artists;

2005 — «Artists of Kuban — to Petersburg», The MANEGE Central Exhibition Hall of St-Petersburg;

2006 — «Biennale-7» (First Prize in the nomination «Decorative and applied arts»), Krasnodar;

2007 — «Young palette», Krasnodar, F.A.Kovalenko Art Museum of Krasnodar - Saint-Petersburg Academy of Arts;

2007 — Personal exhibition «Miscellanea», Krasnodar, «Art-Souz» Gallery;

2007 — Personal exhibition «DOLLS», St. Petersburg, «Essense» (’e’) Gallery;

2007 — Personal exhibition « DOLL ART », Novorossiysk, «ArtVertical» Gallery;

2008 — Personal exhibition «DOLL ART», F.A.Kovalenko Art Museum of Krasnodar;

2008 — DOLLART Project- Centre for Contemporary Arts M’ ARS, Moscow («Diamond apple» in the nomination «Image»);

2008 — Moscow International Salon of Doll;

2008 — «The theme of death in modern art», the All-Russian Exhibition Centre, Moscow;

2008 — Zonal exhibition «Russia- South», Sochi;

2008 — DOLLART project «Connections»- the Centre for Contemporary Arts M’ ARS, Moscow;

2009 — «Prima Vera», «7 Pictures» Gallery;

2009 — «Light» project , Novorossiysk, «ArtVertical» Gallery.

2009 — DOLLART.RU Project «Magic things» — the Centre for Contemporary Arts M’ARS, Moscow.

2009 — Regional professional contest in the field of fine arts «Biennale»
2010 — «Door as a point of transition», Novorossiysk, the Gallery for Contemporary Arts «ArtVertical»
2010- «Fanciful world of dolls» , State Museum of Fine Arts of Tatarstan, Kazan.
2010- Exhibition of art dolls «DOLLART.RU-2010», Centre for Contemporary Arts «M’ARS», Moscow

Закончила Академию Маркетинга и Социально-Информационных Технологий.
Закончила художественно-графический факультет Кубанского Государственного Университета.
Член Союза Художников России.
Член Международного Творческого Союза Художников России (IFA).

Работы находятся:
в Краснодарском краевом художественном музее им. Ф. Коваленко,...

Ver más de Yulia Luchkina

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Oleo | 29,1x20,1 in
No está en venta
Oleo | 14,4x14,4 in
No está en venta
Oleo | 19,7x27,6 in
No está en venta
Escultura - Media mixtos
No está en venta


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