Veronika Pozdniakova Profilbild

Veronika Pozdniakova

Herceg Novi, Montenegro
Künstler (Malerei)
Geboren in unbekanntes datum
Das Sonnenlicht wird all den Phänomenen Gestalt verleihen, die im Schatten verborgen waren.

VerPax paintings are successfully sold all over the world. The paintings is already present in private collections in Russia, Canada, the United States, Germany, Great Britain, France, Australia, and Malta.

11.25.2021 - I became a member International Academy of contemporary art.
09.01.2021 - I became a member Artist Trade Union Russian Federation.


2022- Russian-Spanish Contemporary Art Exhibition "Kahlo".

2022 - Nature Art Show. Grey Cube Gallery. My artwork was awarded Honorable Mention.

2022 - Participation in the competition and exhibition "4th OPEN" International Juried Art Competition, United States of America

2021 - Participation in the International Competition "Art. Excellence. Awards." (International Academy of Contemporary Arts)

2014 - City exhibition of paintings City exhibition of paintings "Caution! Collapse of stereotypes is possible", Norilsk

2013 - City exhibition of paintings City exhibition of paintings "In the footsteps of Zeus", Norilsk

2011 - City exhibition of paintings "Waiting for the summer", Norilsk

2010 - I graduated from the Eastern Economic and Humanitarian Academy with a degree in "Manager of the decorative art Studio, art designer" (Ufa, Russia).

2004 - I graduated from art school with excellent grades in all subjects in Norilsk, Russia.Read LessEventsIn my professional career, I also decorated festive city events in Russia with art objects (2011-2016).

Entdecken Sie zeitgenössische Kunstwerke von Veronika Pozdniakova, stöbern Sie in den neuesten Kunstwerken und kaufen Sie online. Kategorien: zeitgenössische montenegrinische künstler. Künstlerische Domänen: Malerei. Art des Kontos: Künstler , mitglied seit 2021 (Ursprungsland Russland). Kaufen Sie die neuesten Arbeiten von Veronika Pozdniakova auf Artmajeur: Entdecken Sie beeindruckende Werke des zeitgenössischen Künstlers Veronika Pozdniakova. Durchsuchen Sie Kunstwerke, kaufen Sie originale oder hochwertige Drucke.

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