Efkalyptos 11, Butterfly (2022) Malerei von Vasiliki Siampi

Acryl auf Leinwand, 23,6x31,5 in
3.656,37 $
Preis: Kostenloser Versand
Versand aus: Griechenland (Schachtel oder Kartonverpackung) Versand unter 2 Tage
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Dieses Kunstwerk erscheint in 1 Sammlungen
To remain healthy, Eucalyptus (Efkalyptos in Greek) sheds its bark each year, revealing a wealth of colours, shapes and patterns on its trunk. This series of paintings is inspired by the regeneration process of this beautiful tree, with other-worldly figures emerging from the striking patterns of stripes and flakes which flow like rivers[...]
To remain healthy, Eucalyptus (Efkalyptos in Greek) sheds its bark each year, revealing a wealth of colours, shapes and patterns on its trunk.

This series of paintings is inspired by the regeneration process of this beautiful tree, with other-worldly figures emerging from the striking patterns of stripes and flakes which flow like rivers of colours on its naked body under the peeling bark.
Automatisch übersetzt
"My subject matter is nature and my medium is acrylic on canvas. Nature has always evoked deep feelings in me, both in her pure form and in the hidden figures and meanings that emerge from within. Through[...]

"My subject matter is nature and my medium is acrylic on canvas. Nature has always evoked deep feelings in me, both in her pure form and in the hidden figures and meanings that emerge from within. Through my paintings I invite the viewer to emerge themselves in the experience of finding their own meanings and shapes."

A long-time arts educator, Vasiliki has dedicated a large part of her professional life mentoring art students. A strong believer that art education is paramount to the development of a well-rounded person, she created her own arts workshop in 1994 which run for more than 20 years in Athens. During this period she couched more than 5000 students of all ages and backgrounds from young children and mature students, to students training to enter the prestigious Greek School of Fine Arts and the School of Architecture of the National Technical University of Athens.

Since 2016, Vasiliki has returned to painting her own works, focusing on the medium and topic she loves most, acrylic paintings of nature. For this, she moved out of the city and into a small village at the heart of the mountainous Peloponnese region, an area rich in wild life. She has since created multiple paintings under two major series, the "Lousios" series which is inspired by the nearby river of the same name and the wild forest around it, and the "Efkalyptos" series which is inspired by the regeneration process of the Eucalyptus tree.

Along-side working on her own paintings, she has started a series of educational videos which will progressively cover the different techniques of making and using acrylic colour to help amateur painters realise their vision onto canvas.

Exhibitions, Teaching, Education and Memberships

- DarkYellowDot, “Artist of the Month”, July 2022

- The Boomer Gallery, “Contemporary III” Group Exhibition. London, UK, 2022

- The Holy Art Gallery, “Oppositions” Virtual Exhibition, 2022

- Artmagazineium magazine, “June 2022” issue

- Circle Arts Gallery, 6th “Artist of the Month” Competition, Award of Excellence, June 2022

- Light Space & Time Art Gallery, 21st “Solo Art Series” Competition, top 12 finalists, 2022

- Graduates at the National Gallery Exhibition. Athens, Greece, 1996

- Real Estate Bank Group Exhibition. Athens, Greece, 1994

- Heineken Group Exhibition, Award. Athens, Greece, 1993

- Vasiliki Siampi’s Art Workshop. Athens, Greece, 1994 - 2016

- Arts Teacher, “Ekpedeftiria Makri” Secondary School. Athens, Greece, 1994 – 2012

- Greek School of Fine Arts, Graduated with Distinction. Athens, Greece, 1989 - 1994

- Rigas T., Stefos N. and Kessanlis N. Workshops. Athens, Greece, 1987-1994

- Member of the Chamber of Fine Arts of Greece and the Association of Teachers of Art Courses, 1994 - to date

Mehr von Vasiliki Siampi

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Acryl auf Leinwand | 27,6x19,7 in
3.231,37 $
Acryl auf Leinwand | 19,7x27,6 in
1.663,88 $
Acryl auf Leinwand | 23,6x31,5 in
4.228,16 $
Acryl auf Leinwand | 27,6x19,7 in
2.559,9 $


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