Gipsy Rose Charcoal Portrait (2019) 描画 Anita Mihalyi (Thubakabra) によって

紙の木炭, 11.8x7.9 in
プライス: 送料無料
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最大解像度: 1095 x 1500 px

Anita Mihalyi (Thubakabra) が販売

The Gipsy Rose charcoal portrait is a stunning piece of art that captures the essence of its subject in exquisite detail. Created using charcoal as the primary medium, the portrait boasts an impressive level of skill and craftsmanship, with every stroke and line working together to create a sense of depth and emotion. As one continues[...]
The Gipsy Rose charcoal portrait is a stunning piece of art that captures the essence of its subject in exquisite detail. Created using charcoal as the primary medium, the portrait boasts an impressive level of skill and craftsmanship, with every stroke and line working together to create a sense of depth and emotion.

As one continues to study the portrait, it becomes clear that the subject's unique personality and character.

The size of this art is 20x30 cm on toned ingres paper.


Gipsy RosePortraitCharcoal DrawingToned PaperSmall Art

Starting to realize that I want to do art for a living in 2008, I left a boring University to pursue this idea. Since then, I got into the world of realism, a bit of abstract, surrealism and I fell in love[...]

Starting to realize that I want to do art for a living in 2008, I left a boring University to pursue this idea. Since then, I got into the world of realism, a bit of abstract, surrealism and I fell in love with artistic nude creations. 

As a person with ADHD, I have a vast interest in techniques and methods. I can't settle for the same thing over and over again which makes it impossible for me to stick with the same art style. However, it helps me to move forward with a curiosity that can't be satisfied easily. All of this chaos makes it easy for me to switch between art styles and when a strong emotion hits, nothing limits my creativity to translate that feeling into visual art.

I believe that I am still on a road of exploration, maybe until death comes, but I try to accept the idea instead of being scared of it. 

Anita Mihalyi (Thubakabra)からもっと見る

紙の鉛筆 | 11.8x7.9 in
紙の鉛筆 | 15.8x11.7 in
紙のグラファイト | 15.5x11.7 in
紙のグラファイト | 8.2x5.8 in

