"Beauty and Variety of Flowers" (2021) 彫刻 Tatyana Mironova によって

彫刻 - しっくい, 19.7x23.6 in

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ファインアート紙, 8x9 in
  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) 彫刻, ウッドの しっくい
  • 寸法 高さ 19.7in, 幅 23.6in / 4.40 kg
  • アートワークの状態 アートワークは完璧な状態です
  • フレーミング このアートワークは額装されていません
  • 屋外に適しています? ノー, この作品は屋外では表示できません
  • カテゴリ 彫刻 $1,000未満 造形美術
Artwork is made in the technique of a bas-relief made of gypsum plaster on a wooden base (MDF panel 8 mm). The size of the picture 50х60 cm (19.7х23.6 inches). A distinctive feature of the bas-relief in this author’s technique is that it is very voluminous - a depth of about two inches, also the flowers are made with glue and gypsum plaster, which[...]
Artwork is made in the technique of a bas-relief made of gypsum plaster on a wooden base (MDF panel 8 mm). The size of the picture 50х60 cm (19.7х23.6 inches). A distinctive feature of the bas-relief in this author’s technique is that it is very voluminous - a depth of about two inches, also the flowers are made with glue and gypsum plaster, which makes the artwork more durable.

Artwork does not need a frame, on the back there are reliable metal mounts for hanging. It is also possible to design the picture in the frame.

White voluminous 3D flowers on a white background create a very gentle look , this artwork in exclusive authoring technique will add originality to your interior, and is also perfect as a gift to a woman!

The artwork is securely packed for delivery to the foam and plastic container.


3D Flowers3D Wall Art PanelBaroque Wall ArtBotanical Wall ArtConcrete Wall

My creativity for those who seek spiritual growth, harmony in everything. Portrait painting and animal painting are very important in my art. A portrait is successful for me if it contains a "holy element".[...]

My creativity for those who seek spiritual growth, harmony in everything. Portrait painting and animal painting are very important in my art. A portrait is successful for me if it contains a "holy element". Often I paint portraits of people, birds, animals using gold and silver leaf in the background, so I want to say about the divine origin of what is depicted in the portrait. I paint on canvas with high-quality acrylic or oil paints and guided by the old masters, copying paintings by Moro, Velazquez, Raphael Santi, so my work is multi-layered. Professional artists and ordinary people, collectors of my art, note that my paintings have good energy. This is not surprising, because in every picture I put a piece of my soul!I love experiments in art, so, I started working with gypsum plaster, and as a result, my flower bas-reliefs appeared in the author's technique, a large number of which I sell to different countries of the world.Some of my favorite art materials are gold leaf and silver leaf, which I love to use in portraiture, bird painting, and floral bas-reliefs.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Tatyana Mironova is an award-winning portrait artist. In 2018 and 2019 she is among the winners in the international exhibition-competition "Russian Art Week", Moscow.Since 2020, she has become a member of the Professional Union of Artists of Russia and is included in the Unified Register of Professional Artists of Russia.
In 2021 she is a laureate of the XII season of the international painting competition "ART. EXCELLENCE. AWARDS".

Tatyana Mironovaからもっと見る

キャンバスのオイル | 25x20 in
キャンバスのオイル | 31.5x31.5 in
MDFボードのアクリル | 9.8x7.9 in
リネンキャンバスのオイル | 19.7x15.8 in

