Naivety. Concept. (2024) Fotografia por Tatiana Bakumenko & Nikita Kozhemiakin

Papel de belas artes, 8x12 in

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  1001 px  

1500 px
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Banco de imagens de arte
  • Este trabalho é uma "edição aberta" Fotografia, Giclée / Impressão digital
  • Dimensões Vários tamanhos disponíveis
  • Vários suportes disponíveis (Papel de belas artes, Impressão no metal, Impressão em telas)
  • Moldura Quadro disponível (Quadro flutuante + sob o vidro, Quadro + Sob Vidro Acrílico)
  • Condição da obra de arte A arte está em perfeito estado
  • Categorias Arte conceitual Vida cotidiana
Naivety, so cute in children, looks strange in adults. It is good to be open to what is going on, but not naive, overly trusting, inconsiderate. We believe it is important to be able to navigate in a constantly changing world and adequately respond to the challenges of the time. The image of a crystal slipper standing on[...]
Naivety, so cute in children, looks strange in adults. It is good to be open to what is going on, but not naive, overly trusting, inconsiderate.

We believe it is important to be able to navigate in a constantly changing world and adequately respond to the challenges of the time.

The image of a crystal slipper standing on the border between the pink world of illusions and the complex, rocky terrain of adult life, in our opinion, successfully illustrates the danger of being naive for modern man.

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Tatiana Bakumenko and Nikita Kozhemiakin are a family tandem of  artists, photographers. They engage in conceptual and artistic photography as well as social and psychological projects, and create a variety[...]

Tatiana Bakumenko and Nikita Kozhemiakin are a family tandem of  artists, photographers.

They engage in conceptual and artistic photography as well as social and psychological projects, and create a variety of compositions trying to explore how the combination of color and form affects emotional well-being.

Investigating social phenomena, these artists actualize them through impersonal compositions.

Images reflecting normal and positive states invite the viewer to realize to what extent are these states represented in his or her life and to evaluate their significance.

On the other side, compositions reflecting social problems encourage the viewer to ask questions about the causes of these phenomena and ways to overcome them:

Is this problem present in my life and in the lives of people around me?

How widespread are these problems in society?

What is the reason for these conditions?

How do I and other people react to such phenomena?

What can I do to make a difference?

How can I help others around me to solve these problems?

How can I prevent similar situations from occurring in the future?

The artists believe that solving such problems on a society-wide scale is only possible when everyone answers these questions for themselves.

This approach was inspired by Maieutics, a method proposed by Socrates. It is a method of posing questions in such a way that the interlocutor himself comes to the optimal answers, which is much more significant than the solution proposed by other people. This approach forms the interlocutor's/viewer's own position and becomes the basis for concrete actions.

In their studies of the influence of color and form on the emotional state, the authors convey the idea of the possibility of harmonizing influence of works of art. Unusual compositions and color solutions presented in the photographs allow the viewer to stop the flow of thoughts and emotions and then continue from a new, more harmonious state.

In the process of creation, these artists get their insights in different ways. Nikita is inspired by an idea and then looks for various ways of how to express it. Tatiana often goes the opposite way, associating physical objects with abstract categories.

By integrating their individual associations into common works, the authors strive to achieve an optimal result.

Artists create their work in the genres of photography, collage and digital art.

Tatiana and Nikita were born and educated in Russia. Now they live part of the time in Cyprus and part of the time in Russia.

Ver mais de Tatiana Bakumenko & Nikita Kozhemiakin

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Fotografia | Vários tamanhos
de US$ 46,80
Fotografia | Vários tamanhos
de US$ 46,80
Fotografia | Vários tamanhos
de US$ 46,80
Fotografia | Vários tamanhos
de US$ 46,80


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