lady with green lips (2023) Pintura por Ta Byrne


Ver mais de Ta Byrne

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Vendedor Ta Byrne

Papel de belas artes, 8x11 in

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Os artistas recebem seus royalties por cada venda
US$ 33,31
Usage: Licença da Web
Usando a imagem em um site ou na internet.
  1098 px  

1500 px
Dimensões do arquivo (px) 1098x1500
Use em todo o mundo Sim
Utilização em suporte múltiplo Sim
Uso em qualquer tipo de mídia Sim
Direito de revenda Não
Número máximo de impressões 0 (Zero)
Produtos destinados à venda Não
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Banco de imagens de arte
  • Obras de arte originais (One Of A Kind) Pintura, Óleo em Tela
  • Dimensões Altura 51,2in, Largura 70,9in
  • Condição da obra de arte A arte está em perfeito estado
  • Moldura Esta obra de arte não está emoldurada
  • Categorias Pinturas menos de US$ 20.000 Pop Art Retrato
Ta Byrne is a Thai artist who lives and works on the beautiful island of Koh Samui, just off the south coast of Thailand. Her Oil Paintings . are vibrant, eye-catching and packed with a sense of fun and humour. Ta takes humans as her focal point in her Figurative Painting but abstracts these figures by distorting them and using a
Ta Byrne is a Thai artist who lives and works on the beautiful island of Koh Samui,
just off the south coast of Thailand. Her Oil Paintings . are vibrant, eye-catching and
packed with a sense of fun and humour. Ta takes humans as her focal point in her
Figurative Painting but abstracts these figures by distorting them and using a
cartoonish style to create a more humorous feel. While her work is mostly
representational, she incorporates Surrealist elements in many of her paintings,
making her one of the most exciting artists working in Thailand today.

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Ta Byrne was born in Thailand in 1974. artist & author Ta paints people not as you may know them but as dramatic, emotional, and sometimes theatrical but always with feelings and always special.  Her work[...]

Ta Byrne was born in Thailand in 1974. artist & author Ta paints people not as you may know them but as dramatic, emotional, and sometimes theatrical but always with feelings and always special.  Her work is hanging on walls in 67 countries In addition to her success as an artist her book Egg Island is in the bookshops and available worldwide. 

Not bad for a girl who left school at 12 to work in the rice fields 

Ver mais de Ta Byrne

Ver todas as obras
Óleo em Tela | 54,7x70,9 in
US$ 6.792,77
Óleo em Tela | 47,2x66,9 in
US$ 5.775,78
Lápis em Papel | 9,5x12,6 in
US$ 1.437,15
Óleo em Tela | 15,8x19,7 in
US$ 1.551,53
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