Shannon Byers Fogle Profilbild

Shannon Byers Fogle

Alabama, Vereinigte Staaten
Künstler (Collagen, Digitale Kunst)
Geboren in unbekanntes datum
Kunst ist das Rückgrat meiner Seele. Es ist ein Ausdruck meines Schmerzes, meiner Hoffnung und Schönheit in einem. Kunst ist für mich Therapie, meine Dunkelheit und mein Licht. "

Shannon Byers Fogle is a Multidisciplinary Artist from the United States with a limitless understanding of how far she can go. While her main mediums are Photography, Acrylics and Digital Painting, she loves experimenting with new techniques and materials.

Shannon’s Artwork has been described as unique, emotional and forward-thinking in style. Her Artwork is meant to embrace you into your world of thought as a window into alternate realities of space and time.

Inspired by nature and a need for exploration, Shannon left home when she was 16 and travelled across the US.  She then settled down at a young age to raise a family.  She channelled the need for creative expression in many different forms in those years.


Shannon was the General  Manager for the first Whole Food, Vegetarian, and Organic Restaurant in Omaha, NE. She was contributing to what became a Naturalistic and Artistic movement in the Midwest—also setting a stage for Shannon to express herself in a wide range of Artistic mediums.


Shannon was fortunate enough to have a few Artists around her at a very young age who encouraged a wide variety of creativity, such as drawing facial features, watercolour, Plein air, photography, pastels and poetry.

Shannon began constantly writing Poetry and got very much into Music. Other things like Vintage Fashion, Sewing, Mosaic and Art Furniture. 


Being poor can be a unique opportunity. Using whatever you could find as a substitute for the ‘proper tools’ can turn out much more memorable and open you creatively to do things in such a way. Skipping forward, Shannon accredits all of those things to find ways to reimagine her surroundings. She was opening the ability to see the bigger picture and pushing the limits to find exceptional Art within a mundane world.

"Art is the backbone of my soul. It is an expression of my pain, hope and beauty all in one. For me, Art is therapy, my darkness and my light. To release all the sides of myself and express my passion is why I do Art.

Funny that when asked to explain my process, I go blank.  It is very intuitive, and I don’t think I have a set process.  Maybe there would be several components to my Art that I generally use, like photography, painting and digital work, just not necessarily in the same order.  I also have things that inspire me to create, like music and nature. One thing that stays the same is the release it gives me.

I try to leave an “Out” in my work, a light at the end of the tunnel to finding your higher self and, in some way, offer a form of encouragement to those who need it.  I want to remind people of the feelings we all try to push deep down inside ourselves.  In those moments, I hope they have processed something to guide them towards a better existence. Leaving with deeper feelings of their own, and to help bring healing, compassion, and commonality to the world."

Entdecken Sie zeitgenössische Kunstwerke von Shannon Byers Fogle, stöbern Sie in den neuesten Kunstwerken und kaufen Sie online. Kategorien: zeitgenössische amerikanische künstler. Künstlerische Domänen: Collagen, Digitale Kunst. Künstler von ArtRewards vertreten. Art des Kontos: Künstler , mitglied seit 2022 (Ursprungsland Vereinigte Staaten). Kaufen Sie die neuesten Arbeiten von Shannon Byers Fogle auf Artmajeur: Entdecken Sie beeindruckende Werke des zeitgenössischen Künstlers Shannon Byers Fogle. Durchsuchen Sie Kunstwerke, kaufen Sie originale oder hochwertige Drucke.

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