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Sergej Jakovlev

Back to list Added Oct 19, 2003


The Company was established in the third year of the New Millennium at the Florence Biennale of 2003. At that time many supposed the New Millennium as the occurrence of a fundamentally new era of tolerance that would be devoid of wars and meaningless conflicts, as an era of a new thinking.

Many thought a new era as an era of arts and culture. For instance, Kofi Annan told that art is a weapon against ignorance and hatred; art opens new door for learning, understanding, and peace among people and nations. Later, Irina Bokova noted that culture should accompany every development effort.

As a participant of the Florence Biennale in 2003, I have shared such ideas with other artists. I proposed to create the International Society of Artists, which would have to restore a prestige of art all over the world and to promote peace through cultural harmonization of the world.

Then together we have founded the International Society of Artists (ISA) Pasquale Celona, Biennale Director, enjoyed with our initiative

Such ideas arose around the world. The initiative of International Artists for Peace and World Harmony, which was launched by the New York Metropolitan Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolence. There was also created the International Organising Committee aimed to attract many different organizations around the world to our activity.

Rosa Naparstek and I, as the members of the International Organizing Committee, have been invited to hold the Caucus on Art and Culture at the 61st Annual Conference of the United Nations in 2008 Overall, our impression of a meeting was that the arts and culture have not found yet a stable home in the international public opinion. An indication of such a home would be an absence of the political confrontations and wars. This initiative and its presentation took place thanks to the efforts of both the UN and of the artists, but these ideas have been further developed neither among the artists nor at the UN.

This example shows a situation with art and culture in general. The world has not become a different, the world is not better now than it was in the last tragic century. People's thinking is not changed, mutual misunderstandings increase.

Who knows the antonyms for the words "art" and "culture"? Where is a line between culture and its absence? One thing is clear that there where is no culture and art - there are hatred, conflicts, wars, sorrow and death. There where art and culture present - there are life, inspiration, development, progress, love and happiness.

We developed projects, many of them are carried out in conjunction with ArtLine, a member of the International Organizing Committee But, the ideas of a fundamentally new way of thinking, and about the new role and place of culture and art in the contemporary world are still not understood, not supported and not widely distributed.


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