homosexual art Homosexuality paintings artworks lgbt arts (2020) Malarstwo autorstwa Raphael Perez

Akryl na Płótno, 78,7x27,6 in
9 954,12 USD
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Sprzedawca Raphael Perez
Opinie klientów (16)
Wysłano z: Izrael (Rura) Statki w promieniu 1 tydzień
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Darmowe zwroty: Zadowolony lub zwrotowi w terminie 14 dni.
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Papier artystyczny, 12x4 in

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33,49 USD
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  437 px  

1200 px
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Ta grafika pojawia się w 2 kolekcjach
  • Oryginalna praca (One Of A Kind) Malarstwo, Akryl na Płótno
  • Wymiary Wysokość 78,7in, Szerokość 27,6in
  • Stan grafiki Grafika jest w idealnym stanie!
  • Oprawianie w ramy Ta grafika nie jest oprawiona
  • Kategorie Obrazy poniżej 20 000 USD Figuratywna Akt
An interview about the homosexual work of the Israeli painter Raphael Perez in Hebrew Rafi Peretz Question: Tell me briefly about yourself, biography , family Answer: I was born into a traditional family in Jerusalem, we are 7 brothers and sisters, 5 sons and two daughters, I have a twin brother, I was born in 1965 in Jerusalem
An interview about the homosexual work of the Israeli painter Raphael Perez in Hebrew Rafi Peretz
Question: Tell me briefly about yourself, biography , family
Answer: I was born into a traditional family in Jerusalem, we are 7 brothers and sisters, 5 sons and two daughters, I have a twin brother, I was born in 1965 in Jerusalem

Question: When did you know about your homosexual sexual identity? Answer: Like any young boy from the age of 10, while the boys were enthusiastic about being the queen of the class, I thought about the boys,

Question: Raphael Perez How is homosexuality reflected in your work Answer: From the age of 17 to the age of 32, I kept personal diaries that over the years became visual artist books. I wrote texts about my sexual indecision as a teenager, and then throughout my twenties I struggled with the desire to realize a relationship with a man and I was with women until the age of 32. During this time, the diaries became more visual and I drew on The text that I reveal to hide my sexuality mainly from myself...

Question: Have you created oil and acrylic paintings on the subject of heterosexual relationships and partnerships

Answer: Yes, until the age of 33. 1998 In addition to the notebooks and diaries, I also created a series of large oil paintings and drawings of couples of a man and a woman, the idea of these series being an attempt to find the connection to a relationship with women, but it did not work, in the paintings of the heterosexual couples, the result was always a sad one, in which the man does not surrender For a relationship, this is not his natural place,

Question: Raphael Perez How was the transition to creating paintings of couples from the gay community?
Answer:Starting in 1998 I created a series of men's paintings, at first it was very realistic paintings of two lesbian women, or two gay men who are obviously debating their sexuality.
In 1999 I had a short first love so I created a series in my opinion the best of what is called "Late Youthful Love" paintings The first to deal with homosexual love, which I experienced for the first time at the age of 34, large, huge pink paintings, which depict a harmonious partnership of two men in their daily activities, in the kitchen, in the living room, in the garden, in the bedroom, celebrating their intimacy.
In 2000 I had another partner with whom I was for 4 and a half years and during these years I created many paintings that deal with a mature homosexual relationship, paintings of same-sex families (this is perhaps the only moment in my life because I thought about a proud family) men in the seasons, a series of paintings of soldiers marching, and paintings which I defined as "gays and the good life" an idealization of homosexual life, male couples in the lake, in the pool, with pride flags decorating the streets and houses,
I created a series that I called "a proud neighborhood" or "the gay ghetto" Tel Aviv in those years was shaped as a center for the gay community and in certain areas The places of recreation and residence of the members of the community were concentrated, I created a series of hyper-realistic works of portraits of activists from the gay community who lay on the fence in the 80s and especially - 90s and took care of the rights of the LGBT community as they are today,
I painted political figures, activists, heads of the LGBT association, artists from the community and people of the Night Soldier, With the end of the marital relationship and my personal transition to celebrating singleness at parties, spending time in Tel Aviv - the city itself occupies a central place in the work, initially in paintings with homosexual characteristics of the city, pride flags in each painting, balloons, kites and umbrellas in the colors of the rainbow.
During these years I was in casual relationships with men and I even experienced a kind of openness from the whole homosexual experience that in the past I idealized and moved to the creation of the cities of Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa and more when the homosexual motifs disappear and I found myself less conflicted with relationships with women, and today my closest friends are a number of women Limited .. this is of course reflected in the work and in the last 15 years (now 2023) when I am 58 years old I mainly create paintings of urban landscapes with couples of a man and a woman

Question: Raphael Perez what about love and relationships
Answer: Since 2013, I met the love of my life, a stunning young man named Assaf Henigsberg, who is everything I wanted and was looking for in a relationship, we are celebrating 10 years of a happy relationship, at the same time as the heterosexual urban landscape paintings, I created a series of ten personal portraits of my beloved Assaf Henigsberg, today the relationship At the center before creation and before art, we believe in living the real simple, modest life and not living in fantasies...
queer art paintings by the israeli painter raphael perez
אמנות ישראלית למכירה עכשווית מודרנית אמנים ישראלים ציירים ישראליים יוצרים עכשוויים מודרניים רפי פרץ צייר מחיר מחירים ציורי דיוקן ציור דיוקנאות ציורים פרצופים realistic painting realism art of older man portrait from the back male bald hair paintings art homosexuel peintures oeuvres gay peintre raphael perez artiste LGBT peintres queer artistes
гомосексуальное искусство картины гей произведения искусства художник Рафаэль Перес ЛГБТ-художник странные художники художники
pinturas de arte homossexuais pintor de obras de arte gay raphael perez artista LGBT pintores queer artistas
لوحات فنية مثلي الجنس الأعمال الفنية مثلي الجنس الرسام رافائيل بيريز LGBT رسامين فنانين كوير الفنانين
ציורי אמנות הומוסקסואלית יצירות הומו צייר רפאל פרץ להט"ב אמן ציירים קווירים אמנים ציירים ישראליים יוצרים ישראלים עכשוויים מודרניים אומנות גאה
pinturas de arte homosexual obras de arte gay pintor rafael perez artista LGBT pintores queer artistas
homosexuelle Kunstgemälde schwule Kunstwerke Maler Raphael Perez LGBT-Künstler queere Maler Künstler
eşcinsel sanat tabloları eşcinsel sanat eserleri ressam raphael perez LGBT sanatçısı queer ressamlar sanatçılar
同性愛者 アート 絵画 ゲイ アートワーク 画家 ラファエル ペレス LGBT アーティスト クィア 画家 アーティスト
ομοφυλόφιλοι πίνακες τέχνης gay έργα τέχνης ζωγράφος raphael perez καλλιτέχνης LGBT queer ζωγράφοι καλλιτέχνες

dipinti d'arte omosessuali opere d'arte gay pittore raphael perez artista LGBT artisti pittori queer

Powiązane tematy

Gay CoupleGay CouplesGay Couple PaintingGay Couple PaintingsGay Couples Paintings

Przetłumaczone automatycznie
Raphael Perez, znany również pod hebrajskim imieniem Rafi Peretz, urodził się w tradycyjnej rodzinie i wychował w Jerozolimie. Jej ojciec, Shimon Perez, pracował jako recepcjonista w szpitalu Hadassah Ein Kerem[...]

Raphael Perez, znany również pod hebrajskim imieniem Rafi Peretz, urodził się w tradycyjnej rodzinie i wychował w Jerozolimie. Jej ojciec, Shimon Perez, pracował jako recepcjonista w szpitalu Hadassah Ein Kerem w Jerozolimie, a jej matka, Alice Aliza Perez, pracowała jako asystentka w przedszkolu, a później opiekowała się dzieckiem w domu. Raphael ma kilkoro rodzeństwa, z których każde podąża inną ścieżką życia, od edukacji, przez duchowość, po podróże.

Po służbie w korpusie artylerii armii izraelskiej Raphael poświęcił 15 lat edukacji w placówkach terapeutycznych dla dzieci, ucząc sztuki i ruchu. Jest absolwentem Centrum Sztuk Wizualnych w Be'er Sheva, gdzie studiował w latach 1989-1992. Od 1999 utrzymuje się ze sprzedaży swoich dzieł, a od 1995 pracuje w swojej pracowni w Tel Awiwie.

Przez lata Raphael zgłębiał różne tematy w swojej sztuce, zwłaszcza relacje międzyludzkie. Jego pierwsza praca skupiała się na relacjach damsko-męskich, zanim w wieku 32 lat otwarcie zaakceptował swój homoseksualizm. Od tego czasu tworzy idealistyczne obrazy przedstawiające związki osób tej samej płci w środowisku domowym, przedstawiające sceny z życia codziennego z czułością i uczuciem.

Oprócz pracy artystycznej Rafael przez wiele lat prowadził także pamiętniki, dokumentując swoje przemyślenia, doświadczenia i osobiste zmagania. Dzienniki te były prezentowane na wystawach indywidualnych i zbiorowych, zapewniając głęboki wgląd w jego osobistą i artystyczną podróż.

Zobacz więcej od Raphael Perez

Zobacz wszystkie dzieła
Atrament na Papier | 11,8x8,3 in
1 529,04 USD
Olej na Płótno | 39,4x19,7 in
5 627,72 USD
Akryl na Papier | 39,4x26,4 in
Na prośbę
Atrament na Papier | 11,8x8,3 in
1 529,04 USD


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