Polina Gerdjikova (POLINA) Profilbild

Polina Gerdjikova (POLINA)

Sofia, Bulgarien
Künstler (Malerei)
Geboren in 1965
Die Mission der Kunst ist RE-LIGIO - es bedeutet die Verbindung zwischen Mensch und Göttlichem, das Gefühl der Einheit mit den anderen Menschen wiederherzustellen.

Polina Gerdjikova is an architect, designer and artist. She has 22 individual exhibitions in Bulgaria and abroad. The last of them, “The Light –A Metaphor of the Spirit”, dedicated to the International Year of the Light of UNESCO, was presented under the patronage of UNESCO at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg on the occasion of the National Day of Bulgaria (3 March 2016) and at the State Cultural Institute at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria (17.07.2015); at Bulgarian Cultural Institute London-Embassy (17.03. 2017); at the galleries LIK, IKAR and UAB (2015-2018). Polina is the designer of the LOGO of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of Europe (2015-2016). Her paintings are in private and diplomatic collections in Japan, USA, France, Russia, Israel, Argentina, Australia, Spain, Germany, China, Tunisia, Italy, India, the Netherlands, South Africa and Bulgaria. Her painting "Fortress, House, Temple - the three initiations in Tarnovo" was chosen as a gift from Bulgaria for the Council of Europe, provided by the Bulgarian Representation there (ceremony on 03.05.2017). The common concept of the paintings reflects the view of the artist, that the Light is an eternal image of THE ONE SINGLE CONSCIOUSNESS, what created everything according to the modern physics, the Christianity, the ancient religions. That's why symbolic interpretations of the Light present in all history - from the archaeological artefacts, through the Sacred geometry to the theories of science and philosophy. The paintings are devoted to the LIGHT and to the continuity of the LIGHT SYMBOLS through the centuries - from the Neolithic culture of the Great Mother, the Black Sea civilization 6000 BC, the Thracian and the Christian civilizations, up till now..."I am convinced that the mission of the art is RE-LIGIO  - Religio according to the modern interpretation means recreating the bond between Man and Divine, recalling cherished our mission Hear-Now, the feeling of oneness with the other people, oneness with the Universe-Light. Our whole sacred heritage is illuminated by IT - because in the spiritual space of mankind the different religions are just different languages of Light and its interpretations through the ages!”

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