Family idyll (2017) Painting by Pavel Guliaev

Oil on Canvas, 35.4x63 in
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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
This artwork appears in 3 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Oil on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 35.4in, Width 63in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $20,000 Surrealism Fantasy
"Every family is happy in its own way. Everyone has the right to happiness. It does not depend on beauty, intelligence, or kindness. It does not depend on anything. Happiness depends only on the understanding of each other by members of this family. A family idyll is a separate inner world that exists independently of the outside world. This world[...]
"Every family is happy in its own way. Everyone has the right to happiness. It does not depend on beauty, intelligence, or kindness. It does not depend on anything. Happiness depends only on the understanding of each other by members of this family. A family idyll is a separate inner world that exists independently of the outside world. This world may seem terrible to the uninitiated. But it is ideal for living there people."

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Pavel Guliaev is a contemporary Russian painter based in Serbia, renowned for his distinctive artistic style, which he aptly labels "Subjective Realism" or "Subjective[...]

Pavel Guliaev is a contemporary Russian painter based in Serbia, renowned for his distinctive artistic style, which he aptly labels "Subjective Realism" or "Subjective Symbolism." As an artist, he skillfully merges the realms of realism and symbolism within his paintings, offering viewers a profound reflection of reality through the incorporation of symbolic elements that not only complement but also potentially elucidate the essence of the world around us.

Guliaev's artistic process delves into the subconscious, rendering reality a subjectively perceived entity. His canvas comes to life with images and forms that emerge from the depths of his unconscious mind, enriching each composition with heightened emotional and semantic depth. Despite their apparent surface illogicality, his artworks are intricately structured upon an internal logical foundation, harmoniously uniting the physical and metaphysical dimensions of existence.

A central tenet of Guliaev's philosophy is encapsulated in the phrase, "Imago mundi nova, imago nulla" – signifying that the world lacks a preconceived image; instead, it is a construct of our own making. In his oeuvre, the symbols employed are distinctly personal and subjective, often defying conformity to established systems of symbols and images. Guliaev, in essence, forges his own subjective reality, charting it onto the canvas with meticulous care. Each object and image he portrays carries profound symbolic significance, and intriguingly, the meaning of these symbols can shift depending on the contextual framework within which they are situated.

Guliaev's reality is a dynamic, multi-layered tapestry of emotions and speculative meanings, where understanding is sometimes elusive or malleable, contingent upon diverse circumstances. Through his art, he invites viewers to explore the intricate interplay between the tangible and the abstract, the known and the enigmatic, ultimately challenging preconceived notions of reality and symbolisms in the artistic realm.

The Artist was highlighted in an article in Artmajeur Magazine:

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