LIVE FOR LOVE! (2023) デジタルアーツ Andy Paradyse によって

デジタルアーツ, 27.6x27.6 in
プライス: 送料無料
販売者 Andy Paradyse
お客様のレビュー (1)
発送元: スペイン (チューブ)
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最大解像度: 5130 x 5130 px

販売者 Andy Paradyse

LIVE FOR LOVE! PARADYSE is an alternative Paradise. This is so special place. Here is only grace and tranquility, form and color, people and animals, you and I. All works are generated using neural networks with subsequent processing. A distinctive feature is modern surrealism and incredible colors. People, fruits, flowers and animals[...]
PARADYSE is an alternative Paradise. This is so special place. Here is only grace and tranquility, form and color, people and animals, you and I.
All works are generated using neural networks with subsequent processing. A distinctive feature is modern surrealism and incredible colors. People, fruits, flowers and animals are present in the works almost all the time. The art is presented in the form of prints 70X70 cm . Each work has a limited edition, which is usually from 10 to 50 prints per piece of art, which makes each work unique. Each print has a serial number, as well as a painting by the artist, which confirms the authenticity of the copy.
I'm a digital artist. And I do computer graphics all time. I have been working in the field of advertising for 23 years. Now I work in mixed technology. I use neural networks as a basis, after which I[...]

I'm a digital artist. And I do computer graphics all time. I have been working in the field of advertising for 23 years. Now I work in mixed technology. I use neural networks as a basis, after which I refine the images using traditional 2d and 3d tools. PARADISE is an incredible collection that contains all my creativity and visions of contemporary art. The basis of all works is, of course, color. I am incredibly fond of beautiful and clean color combinations. The second component is of course creative. I want to show how beautiful, incredible and incredibly inspiring our world of imagination is! I draw inspiration from both classical and contemporary art. Music, movies all help to find incredible situations and forms.

Andy Paradyseからもっと見る

デジタルアーツ | 27.6x27.6 in
デジタルアーツ | 27.6x27.6 in
デジタルアーツ | 27.6x27.6 in
デジタルアーツ | 27.6x27.6 in

