Cold Summer (2022) 絵画 Oryiman Agbaka (St Valentino de Augusto) によって

紙のボールペン, 21.7x17.3 in
プライス: 送料無料
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Agbaka Oryiman が販売

  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) 絵画, 紙の ボールペン / インク / 水彩画
  • 寸法 高さ 21.7in, 幅 17.3in
  • アートワークの状態 アートワークは完璧な状態です
  • フレーミング このアートワークは額装されていません
  • カテゴリ 絵画 $5,000未満 表現主義 田舎
This is an original ballpoint pen ink and watercolor painting. This idea stems from the need to refill after an exhaustive time being on the go. Times like these makes you feel alive again after being drained from the all that goes on around you. This painting is an experiment work I want to explore more soon. The title is paradoxical as I intend to[...]
This is an original ballpoint pen ink and watercolor painting. This idea stems from the need to refill after an exhaustive time being on the go. Times like these makes you feel alive again after being drained from the all that goes on around you. This painting is an experiment work I want to explore more soon. The title is paradoxical as I intend to evoke a feeling not felt physically but abstractly.


DrawingBallpoint PenWatercolorBlueSeason

Agbaka Oryimanによって表さアーティスト
•I’m a self taught contemporary multidisciplinary (VISIONARY) visual artist, born and raised in Nigeria, who loves to work in all mediums and styles of art but traditionally a Ballpoint pen artist. Working[...]

•I’m a self taught contemporary multidisciplinary (VISIONARY) visual artist, born and raised in Nigeria, who loves to work in all mediums and styles of art but traditionally a Ballpoint pen artist. Working mostly in portraiture focusing on realism and bringing to life everyday experiences without distorting how they are but encoding my ideas into my subjects to make them speak to the world. I use the ballpoint pen and ink specifically because they are tools from ancient times used in telling stories and writings and I use them to retell the stories and experiences of my subjects by drawing realistic portraits and capturing their individual expressions. Understanding line language and understanding line movements while creating boils down to my conceptualisation of how I create my layers. I like to educate young black Africans about the power that they posses by creating paintings about Africans and retelling their history and educating people about their rich cultures. I also like to dive into other aspects such as sculpting and street art painting in the future. Agbaka loves making paintings on subjects from variety of topics like politics, music, culture, nature.
•He studies each line stroke and cross hatches on the layers to create an imperceptible transitions of light and shadows in his work in sfumato style an Italian word meaning Vanished and evaporated and as such fades each stroke from his Ballpoint pen. This style was used by Leornardo da Vinci during the Renaissance period to create works like “Monalisa” “Averagely, I can spend an average of 380hours to create a realistic master piece sometimes well over weeks or months depending on the complexity of his subjects.
•My inspiration comes from my love for luminescence which is my passion for light and the way it falls on objects captivates me and enhances my creativity and style. I believe when light falls on object it is diving as the sun which gives light is our ruling planet.

Artmajeur Magazine の記事でアーティストがハイライトされました:

Oryiman Agbaka (St Valentino de Augusto)からもっと見る

紙のボールペン | 21.7x16.5 in
写真撮影 | 27x18 in
写真撮影 | 29.5x19.7 in
ウッドのボールペン | 21.7x16.5 in

