Esoterische originele kunstwerken te koop

5.063 Originele kunstwerken, limited editions en prints: Discover[...]

5.063 Originele kunstwerken, limited editions en prints:

Discover original contemporary Esotericism artworks on Artmajeur

Contemporary Esotericism artworks are a unique and captivating form of original artwork that has recently gained popularity in the art world. These artworks are characterized by their mystical and spiritual themes, which are often inspired by ancient mythologies and esoteric traditions. The main types of supports and materials used in creating these artworks include canvas, paper, wood, and metal, as well as various types of paint, ink, and other media.

Collages,  13x11 in
El Sol Del Movimiento Collages, 13x11 in
©2024 Exagerardo

Origins and History

Esotericism artworks have a long and fascinating history that dates back to the early 20th century. These works are characterized by their deep spiritual and mystical themes, often drawing on occult traditions and ancient wisdom. The origins of this genre can be traced back to the Symbolist movement, which emerged in France in the late 1800s and was characterized by its emphasis on imagination, emotion, and spirituality.

Schilderij,  31,7x39,4 in
holy toilet Schilderij, 31,7x39,4 in
©2024 Olha Chumak

Evolutions of theses works in the contemporary art market

Contemporary Esotericism artworks have undergone a significant evolution in recent years. These artworks are characterized by their mystical and spiritual themes, and often incorporate elements of the occult and ancient mythology.

Schilderij,  15x7,1 in
Dreams of the blind Schilderij, 15x7,1 in
©2024 Hayk-Philipp Sevumyan

Related Famous Artists

Contemporary artists who are recognized for their original and thought-provoking esoteric artworks are highly respected in the art world. Esotericism is a term used to describe the hidden or secret knowledge that is only known to a select few. The artists listed below have all explored this concept in their own unique way, creating truly remarkable pieces of art.

One such artist is known for her ability to create intricate and detailed pieces of art that are heavily influenced by esotericism. Her work often features symbols and motifs that are associated with mysticism and spirituality. Another artist is renowned for his use of vibrant colors and abstract shapes, which are used to convey deeper meanings and hidden messages.

Another artist uses a variety of media to create her works of art, including sculpture, painting, and performance art. Her pieces often explore themes such as mysticism, spirituality, and the occult. She has gained a significant following in recent years due to the powerful and evocative nature of her work.

Another artist is known for his use of traditional techniques and materials, such as oil paint and canvas. His works often feature religious and spiritual imagery, which he imbues with a sense of mystery and wonder. His pieces have been exhibited in galleries and museums around the world, and he is widely regarded as one of the most important artists working in this field today.

Finally, another artist has gained a reputation for her ability to create stunning works of art that are both beautiful and thought-provoking. Her pieces often feature intricate details and hidden symbols, which are used to convey deeper meanings and spiritual truths. She has been recognized with numerous awards and accolades, and her work is highly sought after by collectors and art enthusiasts alike.

Overall, these artists represent some of the most exciting and innovative voices in contemporary esoteric art today. Their work is a testament to the enduring power of spirituality and mysticism, and it continues to inspire and captivate audiences around the world.

Schilderij,  31,5x31,5 in
HYPNOSE 2024 Schilderij, 31,5x31,5 in
©2024 Jean-Humbert Savoldelli

Notable original contemporary Esotericism artworks

Esotericism has inspired many contemporary artists to create unique and mystical artworks that evoke a sense of wonder and spirituality. Here are some well-known pieces that have caught the attention of art enthusiasts worldwide.

"Angel" by Alex Grey, created in 1992, is a breathtaking painting that depicts a glowing, multi-dimensional angelic figure. The intricate details and vibrant colors of the artwork create a sense of otherworldliness and transcendence.

"Tarot Garden" by Niki de Saint Phalle, created between 1979-1996, is a sculpture garden in Tuscany, Italy that features larger-than-life sculptures of the 22 Major Arcana cards of the Tarot deck. The playful and whimsical nature of the sculptures invites visitors to explore their own inner worlds and connect with the archetypal energies of the Tarot.

"The Way to Enlightenment" by Ernst Fuchs, created in 1970, is a stunning oil painting that depicts a mystical landscape filled with intricate symbols and mystical figures. The painting is a testament to Fuchs’ mastery of the Fantastic Realism style and his deep understanding of esoteric symbolism.

"The Birth of Venus" by HR Giger, created in 1991, is a hauntingly beautiful sculpture that depicts the goddess Venus emerging from an egg-like structure. The dark and eerie atmosphere of the artwork is typical of Giger’s signature style, which often depicts surreal and disturbing scenes.

"The Cosmic Christ" by Sue Austin, created in 2016, is a stunning underwater performance art piece that features the artist dressed in a glittering, multi-colored suit, floating weightlessly in a pool. The piece is a powerful expression of the artist’s spiritual beliefs and connection to the divine.

These artworks and many others like them serve as powerful reminders of the deep and enduring appeal of esotericism in contemporary art.

Meest relevant | Meer recent

Collages getiteld "El Sol Del Movimien…" door Exagerardo, Origineel Kunstwerk, Collages
El Sol Del Movimiento - Collages, 13x11 in ©2024 door Exagerardo - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Esoterie, Aztec, mayans, huichol indians, metaphysical, alchemy, hermetism, surrealism, max ernst, da da


"El Sol Del Movimiento"

Collages op Karton | 13x11 in

US$ 2.267,77
Bedrukkingen beschikbaar
Schilderij getiteld "HYPNOSE 2024" door Jean-Humbert Savoldelli, Origineel Kunstwerk, Acryl Gemonteerd op Frame voor houten…
HYPNOSE 2024 - Schilderij, 31,5x31,5 in ©2024 door Jean-Humbert Savoldelli - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Esoterie, SAVOLDELLI, HYPNOSE

Jean-Humbert Savoldelli

"HYPNOSE 2024"

Acryl op Canvas | 31,5x31,5 in

US$ 3.345,79
Schilderij getiteld "Unicorn in Paris" door Valentina Pushkareva, Origineel Kunstwerk, Aquarel
Unicorn in Paris - Schilderij, 11,8x11,8 in ©2024 door Valentina Pushkareva - Figurative, figurative-594, Esoterie, unicorn, einhorn, paris, france, eiffel, city, watercolour, aquarelle, red beret, girl

Valentina Pushkareva

"Unicorn in Paris"

Aquarel op Papier | 11,8x11,8 in

US$ 398,91
Schilderij getiteld "Affection of Fame F…" door Valeriy Kot, Origineel Kunstwerk, Olie
Affection of Fame Fish - Schilderij, 19,7x23,6 in ©2021 door Valeriy Kot - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Esoterie, рыба, рыбак, кот, наживка, лодка, река, импрессионизм, фигуратив, современное искусство, живопись, оригинальная авторская работа

Valeriy Kot

"Affection of Fame Fish"

Olie op Karton | 19,7x23,6 in

US$ 2.568,99
Collages getiteld "Autorretrato Con Ár…" door Exagerardo, Origineel Kunstwerk, Collages
Autorretrato Con Árbol - Collages, 17,7x12 in ©2024 door Exagerardo - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Esoterie, esoterism, metaphysical, toltec, zapotec, mayans, aztecs, huichol indians, alchemy, hermetism, gnostic, surrealism


"Autorretrato Con Árbol"

Collages op Karton | 17,7x12 in

US$ 2.548,86
Bedrukkingen beschikbaar
Schilderij getiteld "Fougeret Possession" door Bnsy, Origineel Kunstwerk, Acryl Gemonteerd op Frame voor houten brancard
Fougeret Possession - Schilderij, 18,1x21,7 in ©2024 door Bnsy - Abstract, abstract-570, Esoterie, esoterisme, dark, fougeret, blue, ocre, door, mystic


"Fougeret Possession"

Acryl op Linnen canvas | 18,1x21,7 in

US$ 1.619,58
Tekening getiteld "We appear in this i…" door Yana Melnik, Origineel Kunstwerk, Acryl
We appear in this illusion. - Tekening, 16,5x11,6 in ©2024 door Yana Melnik - Abstract, abstract-570, Esoterie, abstraction, reality, manifestation, extraterrestrial civilizations, future, acrylic, pillars of energy, fulfillment of desires, shaping the future, family, painting for home, drawing, green, yellow, orange, white, blue, present, codes, symbols

Yana Melnik

"We appear in this illusion."

Acryl op Papier | 16,5x11,6 in

US$ 270,49
Bedrukkingen beschikbaar
Schilderij getiteld "Veauce Possession" door Bnsy, Origineel Kunstwerk, Acryl Gemonteerd op Frame voor houten brancard
Veauce Possession - Schilderij, 13x16,1 in ©2024 door Bnsy - Abstract, abstract-570, Esoterie, esoterisme, dark, brown, blue, mystic, door


"Veauce Possession"

Acryl op Linnen canvas | 13x16,1 in

US$ 892,42
Collages getiteld "Goliath Reloaded" door Exagerardo, Origineel Kunstwerk, Collages
Goliath Reloaded - Collages, 11,8x11,8 in ©2024 door Exagerardo - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Esoterie, Aztec, Aztecas, Huichol, Indians, Metaphysical, Sacred art, Alchemy, Surrealism, Dadaism, Mexico, ancient, Tribal, Mayans


"Goliath Reloaded"

Collages op Papier | 11,8x11,8 in

US$ 2.527,53
Bedrukkingen beschikbaar
Schilderij getiteld "Mandala" door Kseniia Makliuchenko, Origineel Kunstwerk, Acryl
Mandala - Schilderij, 7,9x7,9 in ©2024 door Kseniia Makliuchenko - Spiritual Art, spiritual-art-1040, Esoterie, mandala, ancient, spiritual, meditation

Kseniia Makliuchenko


Acryl op Canvas | 7,9x7,9 in

US$ 263,28
Prenten & gravures getiteld "Black mirror 2 orig…" door Maria Shedrina, Origineel Kunstwerk, Monotype
Black mirror 2 original hand print monotype - Prenten & gravures, 23,6x15,8 in ©2024 door Maria Shedrina - Abstract, abstract-570, Esoterie, magic, flower, geometry, sacral, myth, power, intuition, insight, ritual, beauty, hand print

Maria Shedrina

"Black mirror 2 original hand print monotype"

Prenten & gravures op Papier | 23,6x15,8 in

US$ 403,47
Bedrukkingen beschikbaar
Collages getiteld "Metaphysics" door Zuzanna Sosnowska, Origineel Kunstwerk, Collages
Metaphysics - Collages, 15,8x11,8 in ©2024 door Zuzanna Sosnowska - Abstract, abstract-570, Esoterie, abstrakcja, surrealizm, symbolizm, metafizyka, duchowość, ezoteryka, natura

Zuzanna Sosnowska


Collages op Papier | 15,8x11,8 in

US$ 734,57
Schilderij getiteld "holy toilet" door Olha Chumak, Origineel Kunstwerk, Olie
holy toilet - Schilderij, 31,7x39,4 in ©2024 door Olha Chumak - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Esoterie, surrealismo, esoterismo, oleo, lino

Olha Chumak

"holy toilet"

Olie op Linnen canvas | 31,7x39,4 in

US$ 4.141,84
Prenten & gravures getiteld "Nirvana, Print on c…" door Irena Aizen, Origineel Kunstwerk, Digitale afdruk Gemonteerd op Fram…
Nirvana, Print on canvas 50 cm. - Prenten & gravures, 19,7x15,9 in ©2024 door Irena Aizen - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Esoterie, allegorical, animalism, buy print online, colorful, fantasy, figurative, landscape, nightfall - сумерки, psycho, reproduction, romantic, symbolism, unicorn, אירנה אייזן, לקנות הדפס באינטרנט, מהדורה מוגבלת

Irena Aizen

"Nirvana, Print on canvas 50 cm."

Prenten & gravures op Canvas | 19,7x15,9 in

Op verzoek
Schilderij getiteld "Nature/Nurture" door Emily Flint, Origineel Kunstwerk, Acryl Gemonteerd op Houten paneel
Nature/Nurture - Schilderij, 11,3x11,3 in ©2023 door Emily Flint - Figurative, figurative-594, Esoterie, motherhood, breastfeeding, children, babies, mental illness, snakes

Emily Flint


Acryl op Hout | 11,3x11,3 in

US$ 600
Schilderij getiteld "Original artwork sq…" door Elizaveta Pugacheva, Origineel Kunstwerk, Olie Gemonteerd op Frame voor hout…
Original artwork square “Borders” with red color - Schilderij, 23,6x23,6 in ©2024 door Elizaveta Pugacheva - Figurative, figurative-594, Esoterie, abstract landscape, oil painting, painting moon, metaphoric cards, mystic art, mystic painting, animals, painting animals, red painting, red moon

Elizaveta Pugacheva

"Original artwork square “Borders” with red color"

Olie op Linnen canvas | 23,6x23,6 in

US$ 2.000
Bedrukkingen beschikbaar
Schilderij getiteld "Pink Mandala" door Kseniia Makliuchenko, Origineel Kunstwerk, Acryl
Pink Mandala - Schilderij, 7,9x7,9 in ©2024 door Kseniia Makliuchenko - Spiritual Art, spiritual-art-1040, Esoterie, mandala, pink, tenderness, femininity, meditation, dotting

Kseniia Makliuchenko

"Pink Mandala"

Acryl op Canvas | 7,9x7,9 in

US$ 263,28
Schilderij getiteld "All-seeing" door Yana Bila, Origineel Kunstwerk, Aquarel
All-seeing - Schilderij, 39,4x27,6 in ©2023 door Yana Bila - Figurative, figurative-594, Esoterie, red flowers, nature, eyes, eyeballs, circle of life, life, red, bloom, strange, girl, beautiful girl, flowers, Ornament, gold

Yana Bila


Aquarel op Papier | 39,4x27,6 in

US$ 1.099,86
Bedrukkingen beschikbaar
Collages getiteld "Una Etérea Voz En E…" door Exagerardo, Origineel Kunstwerk, Collages
Una Etérea Voz En Espiral - Collages, 16,1x12,6 in ©2024 door Exagerardo - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Esoterie, Hermetism, mayans, aztecs, huichol indians, sci-fi, fantasy, alchemy, surrealism, da da, santa fe, hopi, american native


"Una Etérea Voz En Espiral"

Collages op Karton | 16,1x12,6 in

Prints van US$ 27,94
Schilderij getiteld "Medium Phantom" door Bnsy, Origineel Kunstwerk, Acryl Gemonteerd op Frame voor houten brancard
Medium Phantom - Schilderij, 39,4x39,4 in ©2024 door Bnsy - Abstract, abstract-570, Esoterie, medium, phantom, dark, blue, esoterisme, door, grey


"Medium Phantom"

Acryl op Canvas | 39,4x39,4 in

US$ 6.403,1
Schilderij getiteld "Anima and Animus" door Albina Ayhan, Origineel Kunstwerk, Olie Gemonteerd op Frame voor houten brancard
Anima and Animus - Schilderij, 36,2x28,7 in ©2024 door Albina Ayhan - Spiritual Art, spiritual-art-1040, Esoterie, spiritual art, strawberry, anthurium, female, white pigeons, lace mask, gold crown, revival, blonde wave, burgundy, vinous

Albina Ayhan

"Anima and Animus"

Olie op Canvas | 36,2x28,7 in

US$ 2.651,05
Bedrukkingen beschikbaar
Schilderij getiteld "Easy" door George Von Klitzing, Origineel Kunstwerk, Acryl Gemonteerd op Frame voor houten brancard
Easy - Schilderij, 21,7x13,8 in ©2023 door George Von Klitzing - Abstract, abstract-570, Esoterie, Leichtigkeit, Hell, Gute Laune, Positiv, Deko

George Von Klitzing


Acryl op Canvas | 21,7x13,8 in

US$ 753,37
Bedrukkingen beschikbaar
Digitale Kunst getiteld "DEESSA MATINERA" door Josep Domènech, Origineel Kunstwerk, AI gegenereerde afbeelding
DEESSA MATINERA - Digitale Kunst ©2024 door Josep Domènech - Esoterie

Josep Domènech


Digitale Kunst | Verschillende maten

Beschikbaar van US$ 27,94
Schilderij getiteld "🖤Alchimie 🖤Alchemy" door Isabel Mahe, Origineel Kunstwerk, Olie
🖤Alchimie 🖤Alchemy - Schilderij, 13x52,4 in ©2021 door Isabel Mahe - Spiritual Art, spiritual-art-1040, Esoterie, alchimie, corbeau, panthère

Isabel Mahe

"🖤Alchimie 🖤Alchemy"

Olie op Hout | 13x52,4 in

US$ 5.829,81
Schilderij getiteld "Dreams of the blind" door Hayk-Philipp Sevumyan, Origineel Kunstwerk, Olie
Dreams of the blind - Schilderij, 15x7,1 in ©2024 door Hayk-Philipp Sevumyan - Spiritual Art, spiritual-art-1040, Esoterie,

Hayk-Philipp Sevumyan

"Dreams of the blind"

Schilderij op Glas | 15x7,1 in

US$ 398,91
Schilderij getiteld "ST" door Oslendy Hernández, Origineel Kunstwerk, Acryl
ST - Schilderij, 15,8x11,8 in ©2023 door Oslendy Hernández - Spiritual Art, spiritual-art-1040, Esoterie

Oslendy Hernández


Acryl op Papier | 15,8x11,8 in

US$ 859,37
Schilderij getiteld "Alchemist Phantom" door Bnsy, Origineel Kunstwerk, Acryl Gemonteerd op Frame voor houten brancard
Alchemist Phantom - Schilderij, 39,4x39,4 in ©2024 door Bnsy - Abstract, abstract-570, Esoterie, phantom, alchemist, esoterisme, dark, orange, kaki, door, texture


"Alchemist Phantom"

Acryl op Canvas | 39,4x39,4 in

US$ 6.403,1
Schilderij getiteld "mun mtshams" door Hayk-Philipp Sevumyan, Origineel Kunstwerk, Olie
mun mtshams - Schilderij, 7,1x15 in ©2024 door Hayk-Philipp Sevumyan - Spiritual Art, spiritual-art-1040, Esoterie,

Hayk-Philipp Sevumyan

"mun mtshams"

Schilderij op Glas | 7,1x15 in

US$ 1.668,59
Schilderij getiteld "Mandala with the In…" door Kseniia Makliuchenko, Origineel Kunstwerk, Acryl
Mandala with the Infinity Sign. - Schilderij, 9,8x7,9 in ©2024 door Kseniia Makliuchenko - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, Esoterie, Infinity, Mandala, Infinity Sign, symbol

Kseniia Makliuchenko

"Mandala with the Infinity Sign."

Acryl op Canvas | 9,8x7,9 in

US$ 266,7
Schilderij getiteld "Auge e caduta" door Cataldo Motolese, Origineel Kunstwerk, Acryl Gemonteerd op Frame voor houten branca…
Auge e caduta - Schilderij, 31,5x27,6 in ©2024 door Cataldo Motolese - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Esoterie

Cataldo Motolese

"Auge e caduta"

Acryl op Canvas | 31,5x27,6 in

US$ 3.157,1
Bedrukkingen beschikbaar
Schilderij getiteld "Дьяволиада" door Alina Usova, Origineel Kunstwerk, Acryl
Дьяволиада - Schilderij, 13,4x23,6 in ©2024 door Alina Usova - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, Esoterie, Дьяволиада, эзотерика, магия, дьявол, красная луна, рога, красивая девушка

Alina Usova


Acryl op Canvas | 13,4x23,6 in

US$ 577,18
Schilderij getiteld "Travel Amulet III" door Pavel Korzukhin, Origineel Kunstwerk, Olie
Travel Amulet III - Schilderij, 39,4x34,7 in ©2024 door Pavel Korzukhin - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, Esoterie, shell, sky, flight, clouds, ship, boad, chains, fantasy, symbolism, painting, beauty, meditation

Pavel Korzukhin

"Travel Amulet III"

Olie op Karton | 39,4x34,7 in

US$ 1.087,32
Bedrukkingen beschikbaar
Schilderij getiteld "CORRUPTIF" door Gilles Glaçon, Origineel Kunstwerk, Acryl
CORRUPTIF - Schilderij, 43,3x29,5 in ©2023 door Gilles Glaçon - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Esoterie, Corruptif, papier, technique mixte

Gilles Glaçon


Acryl op Papier | 43,3x29,5 in

US$ 1.752,93
Sculptuur getiteld "Ballerina Alchemica…" door Clara D'Onofrio, Origineel Kunstwerk, Bronzen
Ballerina Alchemica Albedo - Sculptuur, 11,8x3,9 in ©2022 door Clara D'Onofrio - Abstract, abstract-570, Esoterie, bronzo

Clara D'Onofrio

"Ballerina Alchemica Albedo"

Sculptuur - Bronzen | 11,8x3,9 in

US$ 2.622,56
Prenten & gravures getiteld "hommage a villard d…" door Benito Lizza, Origineel Kunstwerk, Ets
hommage a villard de honnecourt - simboli massoneria - Prenten & gravures, 14,2x19,7 in ©2000 door Benito Lizza - Spiritual Art, spiritual-art-1040, Esoterie, massoneria, squadra, compasso, villard de honnecourt, franc-maconnerie

Benito Lizza

"hommage a villard de honnecourt - simboli massoneria"

Prenten & gravures op Papier | 14,2x19,7 in

US$ 550,5
Bedrukkingen beschikbaar
Schilderij getiteld "My pink heart beats…" door Natali Zagory, Origineel Kunstwerk, Acryl
My pink heart beats to the beat - Schilderij, 39,4x31,9 in ©2024 door Natali Zagory - Spiritual Art, spiritual-art-1040, Esoterie,

Natali Zagory

"My pink heart beats to the beat"

Acryl op Linnen canvas | 39,4x31,9 in

US$ 2.045,85


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