Homeland doesn't call (2020) 絵画 Nika Glushkova によって


Nika Glushkova が販売

A modern conceptual painting as a cry for help. This abstract painting combines the chaos of a hurricane and the peace that reigns in its center, where there is no rain, no wind, no sound. This oil painting has a strong energy. When you look at her, there is a feeling of hopelessness and at the same time peace. The girl warns the viewer against[...]
A modern conceptual painting as a cry for help.
This abstract painting combines the chaos of a hurricane and the peace that reigns in its center, where there is no rain, no wind, no sound. This oil painting has a strong energy. When you look at her, there is a feeling of hopelessness and at the same time peace. The girl warns the viewer against what she herself could not avoid. The lowered eyes of the heroine indicate that she was completely desperate and realized that there was no point in calling for help. The sheets of gold leaf seem to suck it deep into the picture. You may also feel that everything around you suddenly froze, and in the midst of this silence you hear a sound of despair that cannot be described.
The picture was painted at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic in the spring of 2020, when Russian tourists could not be evacuated to their homeland for a long time. For several weeks, they found themselves literally between heaven and earth - on the street, without money and hope to return home.
The girl in the picture is defenseless and naked in front of this situation, as if she is alone in this world. Fear enveloped her and her only desire is to return home as soon as possible. But time goes by, and hope melts away.
The red color in the picture is a constantly intensified atmosphere. Harsh, rough strokes create a sense of nervousness. At the same time, green symbolizes wisdom and humility, the girl seemed to have resigned herself to what was happening, decided to surrender to the will of fate.
The portrait of the girl is made using dry brush technique. I used bright variegated colors to create a certain mood. They range from emerald green to bright scarlet. This oil painting on canvas 110x60 cm will suit real connoisseurs of conceptual art, those people who, like me, feel very delicately and are ready to share the emotions expressed in the picture.
It is important to note that the viewer should not be afraid of the negative influence of the picture, he should be afraid not to feel the message that it conveys.
A picture with a naked girl is suitable in a modern loft or apartment in the style of minimalism or modern. I am sure that every day you will enjoy it in your living room or any other room, because this work has a lot of interesting details that can only be solved by the author and the owner.
The picture is completely ready for installation in the interior.
It is very important for me that you do not just see the picture on the canvas, but catch the feeling that I put into this work, because I put my whole soul into each of my works.


Coronavirus Oil On CanvasPaintingConceptual ArtworkOriginal AcrylicGolden Leaf Oil

Мои работы отличаются удивительной точностью плотности тона и ощущением цвета. Я не боюсь идти своим путем. Я смотрю на мир широко открытыми глазами. Это позволяет создавать более объёмные для восприятия[...]

Мои работы отличаются удивительной точностью плотности тона и ощущением цвета. Я не боюсь идти своим путем. Я смотрю на мир широко открытыми глазами.
Это позволяет создавать более объёмные для восприятия образы. Зрителям нравится исходящая от моих работ энергетика нового поколения.

Моя вдохновляющая цитата: «Мне нравится принимать вызовы судьбы. Принять и победить. Только так я могу чувствовать полноту жизни» 

Выпускница Московской художественной академии  акварели и изобразительных искусств имени Андрияки (но продолжаю учиться там, чтобы получить больше опыта)

Будучи одной из лучших учениц Академии, я обучалась в образовательном центре «Сириус» в Сочи, созданном по инициативе Президента Российской Федерации для поддержки одаренных детей, проявивших выдающиеся способности в области искусства, спорта, и естествознания. Была награждена там грамотой.

Частные уроки от заслуженного художника России Сергея Андрияки. 

Я не раз бывала на пленэрах в Черногории и других странах.

Подробную информацию о моих выставках вы можете посмотреть на моем сайте www.veronika-art в разделе "Автор".

Nika Glushkovaからもっと見る

リネンキャンバスのオイル | 9.8x13.8 in
紙の鉛筆 | 15.8x11 in
キャンバスのオイル | 35.4x19.7 in
リネンキャンバスのアクリル | 23.6x15.8 in

