Key West Florida (2001) Pittura da Nataly Jolibois

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Certificato di autenticità incluso
  • Opera d'arte originale Pittura,
  • Dimensioni Le dimensioni sono disponibili su richiesta
Original oil on canvas painting from your house, garden or business. If you need some more details, please contact Nataly Jolibois. Have a look at the sizes with the prices for commission paintings at the "reproduction" below. All the paintings are originals. [...]
Original oil on canvas painting from your house, garden or business. If you need some more details, please contact Nataly Jolibois. Have a look at the sizes with the prices for commission paintings at the "reproduction" below. All the paintings are originals.
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Artista rappresentato da Art of the World
All the light effect the world. Nataly Jolibois has an insatiable desire to explore all the many facets of light. Exporing light in all its many facets is the quest of Nataly Jolibois the[...]

All the light effect the world.
Nataly Jolibois has an insatiable desire to explore all the many facets
of light. Exporing light in all its many facets is the quest of Nataly
Jolibois the artist who has been living in Moorea for four years.
Born in Pavillon-sous-Bois in the outskirts of Paris she fell in love
with Brittany and the magical colours of its landscapes when her parents
went there to live. It was also in Brittany that her dream to become a
painter developed, thus following in the footsteps of her hather and
maternal grandfather, both amateur painters. She inherited their taste
for colour and oil paint’s fatal attraction. The dream came true when
she became a student at the Art School in Rennes at the age of 17. She
was ided and abetted by a lucky chance meeting with the American artist
F.Goldstein, a pupil of H.Hensche, himself a disciple and friend of
Claude Monet. Goldstein was living in Sweden at the time, and invited
her to attend his classes there. She made the journey and for four years
in the master’s studio became an observer of light and shade,
discovering that the most difficult thing was to translate them
emotionally on a virgin white canvas. As soon as she mastered the
technique, another journey became necessary: she had to go in search of
new light effects and natural beauties transfigured by crude daylight.
In 1988 Nataly travelled extensively, visiting Brazil, Mauritius,
Thailand, Vietnam, Israel, Portugal and the Caribbean. With her
companion, HansJörg Stübler, the sculptor, the travelled all around the
world, ending up in Polynesia after a long stay in the States. There,
Nataly discovered landscapes in their original purity, pure primitive
emotions and the very special play of sun-light and tropical heat in her
Her style, a kind of modern impressionism, reached a climax, an
explosion of colours, architecture, people and landscapes…
But at the same time, in the corner of her mind, there was still a
nagging thought: half the world remained to be painted.

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Olio | 9,8x9,8 in
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