Amour fusionnel (2015) 미술작품 Nasser Ghazizadeh

캔버스의 기름, 47.2x31.5 in
가격: 무료 배송
고객의 리뷰 (3)
배송지: 프랑스 (상자 또는 판지 포장)
14 일 이내 환불 규정
전세계 배송
100 % 안전 거래
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정품 인증서 포함
이 작품은 1 컬렉션에 나타납니다.
  • 원작 (One Of A Kind) 미술작품, 캔버스의 기름
  • 치수 높이 47.2in, 폭 31.5in
  • 작품의 상태 작품은 완벽한 상태입니다
  • 프레이밍 이 작품은 액자가 없습니다
  • 카테고리 회화 {가격} 이하 조형 미술 사랑 / 로맨스
이 작품에 대한: 분류, 기법 & 스타일 기름 Paint consisting of pigments bound with linseed oil or carnations. The traditional technique consists of superimposing layers of[...]
Nasser Ghazizadeh, né en Sagehz en Kurdistande l'Iran, c'est une enquête sur la vie de notre perception et la mémoire. Dans plusieurs de ses expositions l'utilisation des couleurs vives et des pinceaux[...]

Nasser Ghazizadeh, né en Sagehz en Kurdistande l'Iran, c'est une enquête sur la vie de notre perception et la mémoire.
Dans plusieurs de ses expositions l'utilisation des couleurs vives et des pinceaux lourds démontre son influence par "Blue" période de Picasso
mais son cœur est situé sur les paysages kurdes comme en témoigne sa peinture «kurde».

Peinture et dessin à partir d'un âge de 7 ans, bonne humeur de sa mère l'a encouragé sa curiosité naturelle des choses et des sentiments de tous les jours. Surtout de l'humanité. Finalement, après Paris Sorbonne (DEA en Arts plastiques) 1985, Nasser artistique a choisi des nus et des étalons expressifs comme base de son travail contemporain. Il a complété sa formation à Paris Sorbonne (Doctorat en préparation) en 1987.

Tandis qu'il continue à travailler comme il ressort de "The Blind Boof», il se prépare à présenter à la fois anciens et nouveaux tableaux
dans des galeries à Londres et à Paris en 2015. Son interview récente suggère son empathie pour les héros des temps modernes.

Interview à la télé

Sterk Tv Belgique, Belgique 2015
Montreuil Hivernales, Paris 2013
L'Institut Kurde de Paris, Paris, 1983
Chaine internationale TF1 France 1985

Nasser Ghazizadeh, born in Sagehz in Kurdistan of Iran, is an investigation into our perception life and memory.
In many of his exhibitions the use of bold colour and heavy brush stokes demonstrates his influence by Picasso’s Blue period
but his heart is set on the Kurdish landscapes as evident from his painting "Kurd".

Painting and drawing from an early age of 7, his mother's cheerful disposition encouraged his natural curiosity about everyday things and feelings. Especially of Humanity. Eventually after Paris Sorbonne (DEA en Arts plastiques) 1985, artistic Nasser chose nudes and expressive stallions as the basis of his contemporary work. He completed his education at Paris Sorbonne (Doctorat en preparation) in 1987.

Whilst he continues to work as evident from "The Blind Boof" he is making preparations to exhibit both old and new paintings in galleries in London and Paris in 2015. His recent interview suggests his empathy for the modern day heroes.

Group Shows

Sterk Tv Belgium, Belgium, 2015
Montreuil Hivernales, Paris, 2013
L'Institut Kurde de Paris, Paris, 1983
Chaine international TF1 France, 1985

A running theme for the art works by Nasser
Ghazizadeh, born in Sagehz, Kurdistan, Iran, is an
investigation into our perception life and memory. In
many of his exhibitions the use of bold colour and
heavy brush stokes demonstrates his influence by
Picasso’s Blue period but his heart is set on the
Kurdish landscapes as evident from his painting
Painting and drawing from an early age of 7, his
mother's cheerful disposition encouraged his natural
curiosity about everyday things and feelings. Especially of Humanity. Eventually
after Paris Sorbonne (DEA en Arts plastiques) 1985, artistic Nasser chose
nudes and expressive stallions as the basis of his contemporary work. He
completed his education at Paris Sorbonne (Doctorat en preparation) in 1987.
Whilst he continues to work as evident from "The Blind Boof" he is making
preparations to exhibit both old and new paintings in galleries in London and
Paris in 2015. His recent interview suggests his empathy for the modern day

Solo Shows
Foyer Protestant a Aubervilliers, Paris, 2005

Group Shows
Sterk Tv Belgium, Belgium, 2015
Montreuil Hivernales, Paris, 2013
L'Institut Kurde de Paris, Paris, 19

Nasser Ghazizadeh에서 더 자세한 내용을 확인하세요.

모든 작품보기
캔버스의 기름 | 39.4x39.4 in
캔버스의 기름 | 31.5x47.2 in
캔버스의 기름 | 25.6x19.7 in
캔버스의 기름 | 39.4x39.4 in


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