Blowing Bubbles (2023) Malerei von Mindy Tillery

Enkaustik auf Karton, 12x12 in
462 $
Preis: Kostenloser Versand
Verkäufer Mindy Tillery
Versand aus: Vereinigte Staaten (Schachtel oder Kartonverpackung) Versand unter 2 Tage
14-tägiges Rückgaberecht
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Rückgabe akzeptiert 14 Tage Artmajeur setzt sich zu 100% für die Zufriedenheit der Sammler ein. Sie haben 14 Tage Zeit, um ein Originalwerk zurückzugeben. Das Werk muss in einwandfreiem Zustand in der Originalverpackung an den Künstler zurückgesandt werden. Alle berechtigten Artikel können zurückgegeben werden (sofern nicht anders angegeben).
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33,62 $
52,95 $
106,65 $
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Verkäufer Mindy Tillery

Digitale Lizenzierung

Dieses Bild steht zum Download mit einer Lizenz zur Verfügung

35,00 $
125,00 $
260,00 $
Maximale Auflösung: 2744 x 2674 px
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Künstler erhalten ihre Tantiemen für jeden Verkauf

Verkäufer Mindy Tillery

Vom Künstler signiertes Kunstwerk
Echtheitszertifikat enthalten
Auf Karton montiert
  • Original-Kunstwerk (One Of A Kind) Malerei, Enkaustik / KI-generiertes Bild auf Karton
  • Masse Höhe 12in, Breite 12in
  • Zustand des Kunstwerks Das Kunstwerk ist in einwandfreiem Zustand
  • Rahmen Dieses Kunstwerk ist nicht gerahmt
  • KI-generiertes Bild Der Künstler hat dieses Bild mithilfe der Technologie der künstlichen Intelligenz erstellt
  • Kategorien Gemälde unter 500 $ Figurative Abstrakte Kunst
While working on a recent series of paintings ( mixed media + encaustic on mat board) with the inspiration of the color BLUE I was struck with all the seemingly endless variations just within that one hue on the spectrum of color. My explorations of images and patterns were truly inspired by my impression of the exquisite beauty of the[...]
While working on a recent series of paintings ( mixed media + encaustic on mat board) with the inspiration of the color BLUE I was struck with all the seemingly endless variations just within that one hue on the spectrum of color.

My explorations of images and patterns were truly inspired by my impression of the exquisite beauty of the sky, the ocean and other bodies of water, I pondered my perception of this color and all the dreamy surreal energy that encompasses how it is not only seen, but felt. To me the theory of color also takes in the way one feels when viewing colors, it is a part of the whole experience.

Why does the sky appear blue? I’m sure that there is some scientific explanation, but I’m more interested in the miracles that I witness in the changing of the sky and of the ocean from light to dark and every hue of blue in-between. Sometimes just looking at the sky I am filled with a sense of awe and wonder that overtakes my emotions transporting me as if on a miraculous adventure. I wonder what lies beyond Earths atmosphere. I often feel delightfully transfixed when I’m in a plane high above the clouds looking into the infinite magnificent blue. On a visit to the Santa Fe Museum housing the works of Georgia O’Keefe seeing the painting Sky Above Clouds IV was an affirmation of this wondrous feeling. On a sunny day the glittering hints of sparkling sunshine on the water or on a velvet dark night the soft glow of the silver blue moon on the water, these are the wonders that never cease to charm me, so simple and always there for the taking. How good can blue be and how fortunate am I…

Verwandte Themen

BlueAquablueFigurativeBubblesLittle Girl

Automatisch übersetzt
Native Miami born Mindy Tillery is a contemporary abstract mixed media artist currently living in Melbourne, Florida.  After many years working as a professional interior design hospitality consultant in the[...]

Native Miami born Mindy Tillery is a contemporary abstract mixed media artist currently living in Melbourne, Florida.  After many years working as a professional interior design hospitality consultant in the Miami area, she felt called back to the artistic process as her first passion and recently returned to her artistic roots as a full time practice in 2020. 

Exploring the qualities of layering with various mediums has led her on a journey into the dreamy and mysterious. Her explorations involve a variety of mixed media, including oil + cold wax and encaustic medium.  A lifelong learner, she is most attracted to analyzing and interpreting symbols and patterns in nature. Beauty is very important to her as an indication of order in the universe.  She is influenced and inspired by the natural world including the cosmos.  

Mehr von Mindy Tillery

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