Northern Factory & Orange Sunset (2024) 絵画 Marion Sagon によって

ウッドのアクリル, 39.4x39.4 in
プライス: 送料無料
Marion Sagon が販売
発送元: オランダ (ボックスまたはカートンのパッケージ) 2日内で発送
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Marion Sagon's practice consists of the production of digital drawings whose source is our real world, because far from being pure plastic inventions, her work consists of architecture that she photographs and images of existing landscapes collected on the net. She thus creates new worlds which oscillate between utopian vision and dystopian vision[...]
Marion Sagon's practice consists of the production of digital drawings whose source is our real world, because far from being pure plastic inventions, her work consists of architecture that she photographs and images of existing landscapes collected on the net. She thus creates new worlds which oscillate between utopian vision and dystopian vision and in which nature and human constructions merge in a perfect balance. Once finalised, the result of her research is pictorialised in an attempt to reproduce the act of the machine.



Marion Sagon's practice consists of the production of digital drawings whose source is our real world, because far from being pure plastic inventions, her work consists of architecture that she photographs[...]

Marion Sagon's practice consists of the production of digital drawings whose source is our real world, because far from being pure plastic inventions, her work consists of architecture that she photographs and images of existing landscapes collected on the net. She thus creates new worlds which oscillate between utopian vision and dystopian vision and in which nature and human constructions merge in a perfect balance. Once finalised, the result of her research is pictorialised in an attempt to reproduce the act of the machine. 

Marion Sagon thus offers the public a journey or rather a round trip between the virtual universes she creates and our position in reality. By extension, it reveals our world as being composed of interchangeable forms gradually leading to the standardisation of our environments. The type of architecture selected by the artist, generally industrial and brutalist, serves as a representation of the so-called Anthropocene era - current geological era, impacted by human activities since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Once placed in the space of the gallery, her works create like windows open on these artificial, yet satisfying worlds in a whole which invites contemplation.

Industrial environments are common in the regions in which Marion Sagon grew up. She has a particular interest in the aesthetics and functioning of factories, which have fascinated her since childhood. Fueled by numerous artistic and literary references, her works seem to evolve in their own universe, logic and codes. With her large-scale drawings and paintings, she questions our visual habits while proposing familiar universes, those of the outskirts of cities, banal architecture or even surrounding landscapes and questions: how men, by appropriating nature, have "geo-mastered" their environment?

Born in Nîmes in 1983 and graduated from the Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Montpellier (MO. CO. Esba) in 2011, Marion Sagon currently resides in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Marion Sagonからもっと見る

ウッドのアクリル | 35.4x23.6 in
紙の製版 | 24.6x39.4 in
ウッドのアクリル | 39.4x63 in
紙の製版 | 23.6x17.7 in

