Maria Of God Profilbild

Maria Of God

Miami, Florida, Vereinigte Staaten
Künstler (Malerei, Collagen)
Geboren in unbekanntes datum
"Chaos ist ein Bedürfnis, und es muss auftreten, um sich zu entwickeln und Kunst zu schaffen"

Maria of God is a gifted, Interdisciplinary Artist.  She was born and raised in Puerto Rico, from a diverse cultural background from both of her parents.  

For almost three decade she has been immersed into landscapes and seascapes, doll making and designing handbags, and in recent years  her selfless love and devotion for humanity took her on a journey working with special needs children and elderly with mental  disorders.

Not long ago, and while fighting depression, she delved into Introspection -a practice that examines one's own mental and emotional processes-  finding ways creatively to overcome emotional traumas and be-friend her pain and be able to positively open inner doors and be able to work many issues.  During the journey she found herself back into her path of abstracts, being the only form of expression she felt comfortable with in releasing those emotions.  As a child, she intuitively relied on drawing abstracts to navigate and experience her world.  After experiencing great results, she began to practice introspection and communicate through abstract art with her patients as a healing and fun therapy.

Her work explores human emotions from a spiritual perspective,  as well as its relativity to the planet and the forces of nature that are conveyed within the Universe.  Having great passion for the Divine philosophical mystery of life, anatomy and biology and the physiology of both she also examines and compares structures within the human body and elements from nature and the Universe overall, as well as the philosophy within Science versus religion, evolution of  organisms, dynamic of energy, patterns,  colors etc.

Entdecken Sie zeitgenössische Kunstwerke von Maria Of God, stöbern Sie in den neuesten Kunstwerken und kaufen Sie online. Kategorien: zeitgenössische amerikanische künstler. Künstlerische Domänen: Malerei, Collagen. Art des Kontos: Künstler , mitglied seit 2022 (Ursprungsland Vereinigte Staaten). Kaufen Sie die neuesten Arbeiten von Maria Of God auf Artmajeur: Entdecken Sie beeindruckende Werke des zeitgenössischen Künstlers Maria Of God. Durchsuchen Sie Kunstwerke, kaufen Sie originale oder hochwertige Drucke.

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